Sorry for the total lack of updates...
I'm currently a week and a half from my due date
It's colder than all get out
The man got his license which I'm super stoked about but I'm nervous about him driving my car to work, I hope that dissipates with time and with him driving more and more
I think this week is my last week of work, just because it's so close to me delivering, I really don't want to be piercing someone and go into labor :o
...and that's about it!
I'm currently a week and a half from my due date
It's colder than all get out
The man got his license which I'm super stoked about but I'm nervous about him driving my car to work, I hope that dissipates with time and with him driving more and more
I think this week is my last week of work, just because it's so close to me delivering, I really don't want to be piercing someone and go into labor :o
...and that's about it!
Good luck with the kid. 

I wouldn't dream of it, lovie <3