I'm back from the infernal abyss known as NYC. I'm glad I don't live down there; I'm not a fan. If I had to, I could do it, but never by choice. Can you say 'pretentious douchebaggery?' I knew you could.
Anyways, the night was on a downward spiral (note: there will be no NIN references from this point on, I promise). The night's show went well, I talked to some cool artists who were very interested in what was going on, so all in all I would say tuesday was a success. It's from the point I left that things took a turn (except for the snotty waitress who told me I had to order a drink, at which point I pointed to the GIANT FUCKING BANNER for my company and said 'I'm with them.' Her reply: 'So, what's that mean?' 'I'm working.' Yeah, she didn't like that..copped a 'tude with me. Don't think I'm a total prick. I didn't order a drink because she ignored me for 2 hours earlier, never asking if I wanted something. What's with me and waitresses? My angerometer went up.)
Let me give a little explanation about the timeline for trying to flee the city. I left the club at 10:30 so I could hop over to Brooklyn and get some food at planethailand which is just plain awesome. Now, the trains leaving the city and heading back to my part of NY were at 11 and midnight, these are the reasonable trains. So pretty much there's a lot of clock watching going on. There's also the "death train" which leaves at 1:30 and stops at EVERY FUCKING PLACE ON GOD'S GREEN FUCKING EARTH. If you take this train you will not get home until at least 4AM. You figure out which one I ended up on. Needless to say my angerometer went up.
As I'm sitting on the amazingly comfortable, brand new train with really nice seats this gorgeous girl walks by and sits down in the seat behind me. I realized I knew this girl...I went to high school with her, she was a couple years younger. Now, when I say gorgeous, I mean it. She is full on model material and not those disgusting ones like Estella Warren, I do mean pretty. To make it even funnier, she's friends with a good friend of mine whom I had grilled for info on her not that long ago, I'm talking a few months (I didn't get dick for info, btw). That's what happens when you flip through yearbooks, you get ideas. The lattice of coincidence is astounding and horrifying.
I start talking with her, she didn't recognize me at first because I guess the last time she saw me I had facial hair (chin stripe, represent!) and this day I was clean shaven and looking handsome I might add
We're hardcore flirting, she strokes my cheek/chin, says 'ooooo, I like it' and so on and so forth. We're having a good time, catching up..turns out she's going to NYU and she has used the word 'douchebag' 500% more than I have..can you believe it?
We're nearing the end of the trip when her phone rings. Take a guess, gang. Yep, I don't even have to say it. Here's the summary because as I was typing this a friend called and I relayed the story and I don't feel like going into the full-length. Was seeing dude. Started seeing the brother. Long distance. Haven't seen each other in months. Kinda broke up for a little bit not too long ago.
*sigh* kill me.
If you've ever seen Fight Club, which I think is issued when you buy gas nowadays, the line "We have just lost cabin pressure" is what I was thinking ("I am Jack's complete lack of surprise" would have also worked). Angerometer shut off, the disappointometer went to 11 though.
In the end, we have each others' numbers and she said to stay in touch. I plan on it, I'm no fool. It still doesn't help the fact that I felt my brains leaking out of my ears.
To end this tale, if you're looking for some new music. Dope Stars Inc. have posted 2 new tracks for download at their site. The tracks are "10000 Watts" and "Infection 13" which are newly recorded, updated version of tracks from their EP that will appear on their new album "Neuromance." I highly recommend you take a listen, it'll get your ass moving..or your nipples, I can't quite figure out which.
Anyways, the night was on a downward spiral (note: there will be no NIN references from this point on, I promise). The night's show went well, I talked to some cool artists who were very interested in what was going on, so all in all I would say tuesday was a success. It's from the point I left that things took a turn (except for the snotty waitress who told me I had to order a drink, at which point I pointed to the GIANT FUCKING BANNER for my company and said 'I'm with them.' Her reply: 'So, what's that mean?' 'I'm working.' Yeah, she didn't like that..copped a 'tude with me. Don't think I'm a total prick. I didn't order a drink because she ignored me for 2 hours earlier, never asking if I wanted something. What's with me and waitresses? My angerometer went up.)
Let me give a little explanation about the timeline for trying to flee the city. I left the club at 10:30 so I could hop over to Brooklyn and get some food at planethailand which is just plain awesome. Now, the trains leaving the city and heading back to my part of NY were at 11 and midnight, these are the reasonable trains. So pretty much there's a lot of clock watching going on. There's also the "death train" which leaves at 1:30 and stops at EVERY FUCKING PLACE ON GOD'S GREEN FUCKING EARTH. If you take this train you will not get home until at least 4AM. You figure out which one I ended up on. Needless to say my angerometer went up.
As I'm sitting on the amazingly comfortable, brand new train with really nice seats this gorgeous girl walks by and sits down in the seat behind me. I realized I knew this girl...I went to high school with her, she was a couple years younger. Now, when I say gorgeous, I mean it. She is full on model material and not those disgusting ones like Estella Warren, I do mean pretty. To make it even funnier, she's friends with a good friend of mine whom I had grilled for info on her not that long ago, I'm talking a few months (I didn't get dick for info, btw). That's what happens when you flip through yearbooks, you get ideas. The lattice of coincidence is astounding and horrifying.
I start talking with her, she didn't recognize me at first because I guess the last time she saw me I had facial hair (chin stripe, represent!) and this day I was clean shaven and looking handsome I might add

We're nearing the end of the trip when her phone rings. Take a guess, gang. Yep, I don't even have to say it. Here's the summary because as I was typing this a friend called and I relayed the story and I don't feel like going into the full-length. Was seeing dude. Started seeing the brother. Long distance. Haven't seen each other in months. Kinda broke up for a little bit not too long ago.
*sigh* kill me.
If you've ever seen Fight Club, which I think is issued when you buy gas nowadays, the line "We have just lost cabin pressure" is what I was thinking ("I am Jack's complete lack of surprise" would have also worked). Angerometer shut off, the disappointometer went to 11 though.
In the end, we have each others' numbers and she said to stay in touch. I plan on it, I'm no fool. It still doesn't help the fact that I felt my brains leaking out of my ears.
To end this tale, if you're looking for some new music. Dope Stars Inc. have posted 2 new tracks for download at their site. The tracks are "10000 Watts" and "Infection 13" which are newly recorded, updated version of tracks from their EP that will appear on their new album "Neuromance." I highly recommend you take a listen, it'll get your ass moving..or your nipples, I can't quite figure out which.
"the most amazing electronic masterpiece to ever explode on to the music scene ever." -Crawly Bum-Lick editor from well known but well disliked music publication