I picked up New Order's new album "Waiting For The Siren's Call" last week. I somehow managed to remember it was out, which is bonus because usually when I go out to the store I go idiotic and forget what I was looking for. Solid album, New Order is so awesome even after 20 some odd years. I'm in that synth-pop kinda mood, must be my electro-emo side coming out.
Been listening to this band Stormdrain (here's their MySpace link for all you psychos) and their album "The Immovable Objection." Really really cool stuff, the vocals sound like Ohgr at times and Chester from Linkin Park at other times (not a bad thing, don't understand the hate for LP). I recommend it, but then again I'm such a music culture whore that I'll recommend anything if it gives me a tingle in the nether-region.
Speaking of nether-region, I mowed my hair off (up top, suckas!)...looks like Brad Pitt's in Ocean's 11. In a week or two it'll be just right.
As I write this VAST is playing on iTunes and I have to share some of the finest lyrics ever written:
You left me high and dry it changed me / you lied to me now I am angry / and if the sun comes in your room / and awakes you from your vanity / you won't find me cause I'll be on top a mountain / pissing on your grave
So poignant.
Been a long week, I'm real busy in and out of work. I miss being not-single at times like this, it gives you something to look forward to after a rough day. Oh well, looks like a night of world of warcraft or TuckerMax.com may be in the cards
Next thursday I'll be in Maryland partying with the maniacs at the Discovery Channel...should be an interesting time. Seeing as it's on a thursday it'll probably be an early night for them...but not for us. Need to go find a mall or starbucks and find out what there is to do there at night.
I was supposed to be heading out to LA this weekend to attend the MTV Movie Awards, but that fell through and I couldn't wrangle myself an invite in time. No biggie, NIN canceled so I won't be missing anything...except Jessica Alba is a presenter and I REALLY wanted to try and bullshit with her...oh well, there's always the future!
big ups to slavewire for sending me all kinds of ridiculously awesome music these past couple of weeks. he rocks!
my copy of Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way arrived! I can't friggin wait to read it...the cover art alone is worth the price of admission. I should upload the pic of me and the Bruce chillin' at a book signing.
Been listening to this band Stormdrain (here's their MySpace link for all you psychos) and their album "The Immovable Objection." Really really cool stuff, the vocals sound like Ohgr at times and Chester from Linkin Park at other times (not a bad thing, don't understand the hate for LP). I recommend it, but then again I'm such a music culture whore that I'll recommend anything if it gives me a tingle in the nether-region.
Speaking of nether-region, I mowed my hair off (up top, suckas!)...looks like Brad Pitt's in Ocean's 11. In a week or two it'll be just right.
As I write this VAST is playing on iTunes and I have to share some of the finest lyrics ever written:
You left me high and dry it changed me / you lied to me now I am angry / and if the sun comes in your room / and awakes you from your vanity / you won't find me cause I'll be on top a mountain / pissing on your grave
So poignant.
Been a long week, I'm real busy in and out of work. I miss being not-single at times like this, it gives you something to look forward to after a rough day. Oh well, looks like a night of world of warcraft or TuckerMax.com may be in the cards

Next thursday I'll be in Maryland partying with the maniacs at the Discovery Channel...should be an interesting time. Seeing as it's on a thursday it'll probably be an early night for them...but not for us. Need to go find a mall or starbucks and find out what there is to do there at night.
I was supposed to be heading out to LA this weekend to attend the MTV Movie Awards, but that fell through and I couldn't wrangle myself an invite in time. No biggie, NIN canceled so I won't be missing anything...except Jessica Alba is a presenter and I REALLY wanted to try and bullshit with her...oh well, there's always the future!

big ups to slavewire for sending me all kinds of ridiculously awesome music these past couple of weeks. he rocks!
my copy of Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way arrived! I can't friggin wait to read it...the cover art alone is worth the price of admission. I should upload the pic of me and the Bruce chillin' at a book signing.
i love kittens more
but some love is your way.