If you don't already know I'm the office manager for a wholesale tire distributor in Syracuse. I was given a t-shirt at work yesterday by the C.O.O. (Chief Operating Officer) of the company. Actually everyone there was given this same t-shirt. It's black with white writing on it. It was printed up by one of our vendors. He gave it to me and my initial reaction was a general uncomfortable feeling. It seems the more I think about it the less likely I am to ever wear this shirt. Maybe I'm over reacting. It says "Tire Fetish." That's it just two words. It just makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable and dirty. And not sexy dirty, more like your grandma squeezing your ass dirty. Am I wrong or does fetish automatically align itself with bizarre sexual acts? It certainly seems inappropriate for a workplace. It might as well say "Tire Pervert" or "Tire Toucher" or even "Tire Fucker" for that matter. I hear fetish and I immediately have a vision in my head of asian guys in diapers being spanked or someone trying to suck the nail polish of a gnarled up toe. If you know me you know how hard my stomach just lurched even writing that last sentence. Personally I would have used something like "Tire Enthusiast." It's still a dumb idea but at least it's safe. Seriously how does that meeting happen in the marketing department of a company? I just don't know. "Hey guys the other day I was rubbing my genitals on a farm tire out back and I got hit with the greatest idea for a t-shirt!!!" Sorry, I need to just let it go, give in to the fetish and wear my new free shirt with pride I guess.
My name's Mike and apparently I have a tire fetish. . .ugh. . . . .
My name's Mike and apparently I have a tire fetish. . .ugh. . . . .
lets just hope they dont do a vagina dentata orthodontia shirt, too!