wow...that story made me smile. i don't mean to make light of the situation, but most girls wish guys would come to their defense like that. my man would, but everytime something like that happens, he's not around. like last time, we were at a show and he stepped into the bathroom. i told him not to, but he was like "i'll be in and out in five seconds...what could possibly happen?" as soon as he steps in, this drunk ass motherfucker was being escorted out. the security guard was walking in front of him and didn't see the guy stop in front of me. all of a sudden, he strted trying to talk, mumbling some incoherencies and then started touching me on the hips and his hands were working their way to my ass. not to let him go on, i started to back away, but he kept pursuing. bear in mind, i'm a tiny, 5'3" girl with a quiet disposition. but I was scared so i hiked my right leg as far as possible and kicked him square in the nuts. it felt good too. just as i did the guard turned around, ran, grabbed the guy and shoved him out of the place. my man, came out of the bathroom and the gaurd was apologizing to me. i told josh to never leave me alone again and told him what happened. about 20 minutes later, the guard came back up to me, apologized again, and said someone found the drunk knowcked out inthe parking lot.
sorry for the long ass posting. my dad is doing better, thanks for asking.
hey, i'm a fan of YOURS! anyone who defends the ladies like that is a-okay with el mulhollando! glad to hear you knocked the shit outta him. if you're gonna do it, do it right...and you did, buddy.
sorry for the long ass posting. my dad is doing better, thanks for asking.
congrats on the new baby! i'm jealous.