I have upgraded internet now! No more download caps or crappy on/off peak hours. I can finally catch up with my games on Steam. I have had Medal Of Honor, Deathspank, Metro 2033 and many others just waiting to be d'led and played!
I have also decided to get Spotify premium so I can use it over here in Australia. Within 10 minutes I have already found two new releases I had completely missed from The Dillinger Escape Plan and Rolo Tomassi, I am in for some good listening this evening.
I have been really busy with my job. It is great to be earning some money after so long without any. Unfortunately I haven't met any people my age or in to similar things. I have found a comic store quite close to home, so at least I can go somewhere to geek out a bit and get some new stuff to read. I will throw up some pics of my latest purchases.
I also got these the other week.
Enslaved is a great game IMO, quite short so at the very least worth a rent!
I am currently playing Fallout: New Vegas and Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock on my 360. Some really awesome games! Although the bugs in Fallout can get a little annoying especially if you get some crashes
Well, I hope all is good for everyone else and it would be great to hear from you!
Will try to stay in touch more often,
P.S. I seem to be failing miserably at uploading pictures, any help would be appreciated!
P.P.S. I think it was just the file size messing it up. Grabbed IrFanView to resize then just attach from here. Is that what most people do?? Photo upload N00b reporting in!
I have also decided to get Spotify premium so I can use it over here in Australia. Within 10 minutes I have already found two new releases I had completely missed from The Dillinger Escape Plan and Rolo Tomassi, I am in for some good listening this evening.
I have been really busy with my job. It is great to be earning some money after so long without any. Unfortunately I haven't met any people my age or in to similar things. I have found a comic store quite close to home, so at least I can go somewhere to geek out a bit and get some new stuff to read. I will throw up some pics of my latest purchases.
I also got these the other week.
Enslaved is a great game IMO, quite short so at the very least worth a rent!
I am currently playing Fallout: New Vegas and Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock on my 360. Some really awesome games! Although the bugs in Fallout can get a little annoying especially if you get some crashes
Well, I hope all is good for everyone else and it would be great to hear from you!
Will try to stay in touch more often,
P.S. I seem to be failing miserably at uploading pictures, any help would be appreciated!
P.P.S. I think it was just the file size messing it up. Grabbed IrFanView to resize then just attach from here. Is that what most people do?? Photo upload N00b reporting in!
Dude!!! I work like dick but there may be an awesome development where I have basically Hired Kieran and we are gonna own some shit!!!!!
yeah had another session but there is still more to go!! The move is happening tomorrow and Tuesday and he starts Wednesday so it's all exciting/111Hows you? xx