So my birthday came and went without much happening, but I guess that is what happens when you get older. I did however get to see the Princess Bride with Ryan, Diana and her roommate. It was in a grand old theater with lots of kids running around and pitchers of beer in front of me: sweet.
Dating is extremely frustrating in Portland. Not because it doesn't exist, but because even when I go on a date and it goes well, I hear the "it's not you it's me" talk a week later. Which is, as true as it might be, an extremely lame thing to hear. Anyways, I'm just venting because it totally killed my birthday and job interview buzz. By the way, that 2nd interview went well and so I think I might be working as a doorman at a hotel sometime soon. Everybody has to start somewhere... and I do need to pay for those $1.50 PBRs somehow, right?
I hope a couple of you got your postcards, I mailed a lot. So far I got a letter from my cousin in Minnesota and a card from a beautiful friend in San Diego. I love old-fashioned mail.
Going to watch the A-Team after I finish this blog, then maybe finish the It's Always Sunny DVD I borrowed tomorrow.
Good night everybody.

Dating is extremely frustrating in Portland. Not because it doesn't exist, but because even when I go on a date and it goes well, I hear the "it's not you it's me" talk a week later. Which is, as true as it might be, an extremely lame thing to hear. Anyways, I'm just venting because it totally killed my birthday and job interview buzz. By the way, that 2nd interview went well and so I think I might be working as a doorman at a hotel sometime soon. Everybody has to start somewhere... and I do need to pay for those $1.50 PBRs somehow, right?
I hope a couple of you got your postcards, I mailed a lot. So far I got a letter from my cousin in Minnesota and a card from a beautiful friend in San Diego. I love old-fashioned mail.
Going to watch the A-Team after I finish this blog, then maybe finish the It's Always Sunny DVD I borrowed tomorrow.
Good night everybody.
Also, I would love to visit you. If I head out that way I'll make sure to let you know.