Shorter more frequent blogs ahead.
So Bay to Breakers was really lame this year. Re-used my Dharma Initiative jumpsuit as a costume. Stupid cops and city people shut down all the fun. So what if people who live along the route kept complaining, the race was here long before you were. Oh well, still a better than expected Sunday afternoon.
I need more patience for family members.
Maybe going to Vegas on a road trip the first weekend in June. I've never gone, so balls to the wall if it happens.
Another road trip planned for San Luis Obispo sometime in June to play sloshball and camp over the weekend.
Maybe going to the Rammstein concert this Wednesday.
Really enjoyed Thor over the weekend.
Apparently I've been getting into trouble all wrong all these years. Dang.
So Bay to Breakers was really lame this year. Re-used my Dharma Initiative jumpsuit as a costume. Stupid cops and city people shut down all the fun. So what if people who live along the route kept complaining, the race was here long before you were. Oh well, still a better than expected Sunday afternoon.
I need more patience for family members.
Maybe going to Vegas on a road trip the first weekend in June. I've never gone, so balls to the wall if it happens.
Another road trip planned for San Luis Obispo sometime in June to play sloshball and camp over the weekend.
Maybe going to the Rammstein concert this Wednesday.
Really enjoyed Thor over the weekend.
Apparently I've been getting into trouble all wrong all these years. Dang.
your comment- i thought you were giving me a suggestion for an alien movie, and i thought of that fly away home movie with jeff daniels and ana paquin! HAHAHAHAHAHHAAA then i realized you were talking about my picture!
thank you!

yea, it's a pretty sweet table. too bad it's raiders....