i dreamed of being in store and slowly everyone in the store was going mad, i thought they were just drunk at first then they started to mutate, somehow all of us who were not circuming to the madness ended up in a secret room, a girl that i love was in this dream, she was with us in the room, but then she suddenly changed, she turned blue and her head fell off her body, i had to throw her head out of a window but when i picked up her body needles were poking out of her skin and pierced my hands, after i had disposed of her body she somehow managed to crawl back near the room from the outside and then burst into flames setting our room on fire, luckily for us there was a fire extinguisher, it took what seemed like an eternity to get the lock off the top, but i was able to put the fire out. everytime i punch someone in my dreams its always underpowered and unsteady, i hate it.
i feel like making out...