I have been trying to upload some videos I have made today and to no avail it did not happen the library and Walmarts parking lot is really really bad for uploading so if your living on the road be prepared and have you own sadly at this rate I won't be able to get anything on YouTube when I start my channel sadly. Hopefully tomorrow I will be getting a few bike stems I can use for my design table in my van so I can finally finally get things rolling and being able use my time a bit more wisely and being able to do atleast a project or two a night.
I have been thinking alot lately about perspectives on the world and how the world affects out actions to get to where we want to be. Not everyone has the same view on how situations should be handled and what priorities are more important than others so everyone will have a different out come making us a master of our own reality's or every decision alters our reality to something new and unforseen from before. What do you guys think?