so i am trying to get back into drawing and being creative again i have missed doing it for way to long but right now my mind is in too many places and all i can see to do is look at the sketch book....... anyone have ideas to help?


This Christmas was like none other i have experienced in a long time, sadly it is not for the best reasons at all. My December was working none stop leading up to the 25th I only had 2 days off that where suppost to happen my other days off were internally due to weather. By the time Xmas eve came along I was so high...
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Happy early birthday. 

distance what i can i say about it these days it seems like no matter what i do everything is so far away lately because of my decision to become a commercial scuba diver and lately that is not overly working out for me really but maybe i should deal with the distance thing first.

Distance is now become a way of life for me...
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