Alright, so I'm looking into getting the internet back in the homeplace.I know.I know.You're thinking "How can u live with out the internet?!"...I see what you're saying, but hey..There is ceratin charm to the old fashioned paper to pen means of corresponence...And let's face it the internet offers millions of destractions for a writer who already has too many distractions as it is...But I my friends have made the transition....Leaving behind all that is PC and making a new world for myself....a MAC world if you will.....Just got me the Mac-mini and not to sound like a geek or nothing, but this puppy is badass...And's inspired me......It's time....I will have the internet once again...oh yes....oh yes...I'll keep some of you posted as to when I'm actually up and running.,..And rest assured....I will be here more frequently......
So I was reading your comment and all of a sudden went