Cloning interests me. And I believe that we have successfully cloned a human being. And thats great and all, but Im just excited about all the bumper stickers that we have to look forward to. Have you hugged your clone today?, My clone beat up your honor student, Clones are people too.
Id like to be cloned. I think Id get along great with myself. Id like to think together wed be very productive. But I know me. Id probably sit around my apartment all day smoking up all my weed. Id come home from work one day and sure enough there Id be, high as a kite. As high as I had planned on being, only I already beat me to it. Ordinarily, Id be PISSED, but the truth isI would do the same thing.
Id like to be cloned. I think Id get along great with myself. Id like to think together wed be very productive. But I know me. Id probably sit around my apartment all day smoking up all my weed. Id come home from work one day and sure enough there Id be, high as a kite. As high as I had planned on being, only I already beat me to it. Ordinarily, Id be PISSED, but the truth isI would do the same thing.

Send in the clone!!!
there would be funny debates about porn laws.