Alas, my weekend doeth arrive...The clock hath been punched and the apron folded away with great haste...A weekend of home front labor is upon mine household as I look on to Saturday's morn with greatest contempt for the heavy lifting it doeth bring forth...
"Lift with ease - straight back, bent knees..." Sage advice I found printed on the side of a vending machine coffee cup at defensive driving school...Kinda' weird place to find such a creed, but nonetheless...sound advice to adhere to.
"Lift with ease - straight back, bent knees..." Sage advice I found printed on the side of a vending machine coffee cup at defensive driving school...Kinda' weird place to find such a creed, but nonetheless...sound advice to adhere to.

What, all that time at TJ's didn't teach you that?

That makes me wonder what you heard whilst working there.