In the event that you may want to kick the New Year off with a some new tunes on your ipod, I have some perty cool suggestions for you...
Now my own personal collection of cds consists primarily of bands that where in their prime before most of the members of this website clawed their way out of the womb...But in the event you want something post 2000...Well here's my new "new" picks....
5. Wilco - Live "Kicking Television"
*This one was like an obligatory entry...They're my personal favorite band (not counting obviously the Stones and such) and the live cd is quite choice...Slight and not so slight variations to songs you already know...
4. Neutral Milk Hotel - The Aeroplane Over the Sea
*There's something weird about these guys...They sing about loving Jesus, so I don't know what their deal is, but "The King of Carrot Flowers Pt.1" is one you'll play at least three times in a row before listening to the second song...Also check out the title track, "The Aeroplane Over The Sea"...I just learned to play that one myself...It's oddly appealing...
3. Lambchop - Aw C'mon
*May be too mellow for some, but if that's your bag you'll want to check out "Everytime I Bring It Up, It Seems to Bring You Down" & "I Hate Candy".
2. Yo La Tengo - Prisoners of Love: A Smattering of Scintillating Senescent Songs, 1985-2003
*3 friggin' cds...My cousin drew my name for Christmas, and this is what he came up with...I diggeth...Check out "Season of the Shark" & "Autumn Sweater"
1. Devandra Banhart - Cripple Crow
*A friend turned me onto this guy about a year ago, but the new album had a full on band thing goin' on...SA-Weet!...Check out "Long Haired Boy", "Cripple Crow", & "Hey Mama Wolf", but most of the this album is catchy so you'll get the return on your investment..."Freak Folk", okay...
All right....Now run with it....Like young children in an open field....
Now my own personal collection of cds consists primarily of bands that where in their prime before most of the members of this website clawed their way out of the womb...But in the event you want something post 2000...Well here's my new "new" picks....
5. Wilco - Live "Kicking Television"
*This one was like an obligatory entry...They're my personal favorite band (not counting obviously the Stones and such) and the live cd is quite choice...Slight and not so slight variations to songs you already know...
4. Neutral Milk Hotel - The Aeroplane Over the Sea
*There's something weird about these guys...They sing about loving Jesus, so I don't know what their deal is, but "The King of Carrot Flowers Pt.1" is one you'll play at least three times in a row before listening to the second song...Also check out the title track, "The Aeroplane Over The Sea"...I just learned to play that one myself...It's oddly appealing...
3. Lambchop - Aw C'mon
*May be too mellow for some, but if that's your bag you'll want to check out "Everytime I Bring It Up, It Seems to Bring You Down" & "I Hate Candy".
2. Yo La Tengo - Prisoners of Love: A Smattering of Scintillating Senescent Songs, 1985-2003
*3 friggin' cds...My cousin drew my name for Christmas, and this is what he came up with...I diggeth...Check out "Season of the Shark" & "Autumn Sweater"
1. Devandra Banhart - Cripple Crow
*A friend turned me onto this guy about a year ago, but the new album had a full on band thing goin' on...SA-Weet!...Check out "Long Haired Boy", "Cripple Crow", & "Hey Mama Wolf", but most of the this album is catchy so you'll get the return on your investment..."Freak Folk", okay...
All right....Now run with it....Like young children in an open field....
Honestly, between the holidays and the wedding stuff I haven't done much reading. The few pages I've glanced at have filled me with glee and other related emotions, but I thought it would only be fair to with hold any real words on it until I'd actually been able to read it.
Oh, and this guy