Well I have a small production company that's in love with Above Average Joes...I have 10 days to tighten the script up...Not another draft, but a polish...Then we take it back in and disect it to get an idea of what the budget be estimated at...Scene by scene they'll decide what's actually real and what'll be green-screened...This small production company can do 100% of the post production to help eliviate costs...So after we've decided how much the budget would be, we'll take it to another company which is, I believe a sister company for New Line, but I'm not sure...Anyway, I'm still pesimisticly optimistic about the whole thing, but I did officially get a pitch...We go in sometime in November with the whole blue print...If it's a go, then we'd probably (hopefully) start off to Canada in the spring...I guess we'll see what we'll see...

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