I have had a good day.
It was probably because of the fucking excellent party. Hardcore.
I did household chores! I paid both credit cards. I did the things that you are supposd to do in living in this bullshit paperwork kulture. For fucks sake if I was meant to spend my life shuffling paper then I would have evolved with a fucking biro instead of a left hand. Anyway its all good baby, and what is more it is evidence that I am feeling better.
I cycled to the Mall. In the plastic spearminted indoors highstreet I heard REAL music. A youth played piano in a cafe, he gave a shit, his music was real. There was a sprig of green life, of human emotion, admist the fake ferns and promanading posing potted people!
I found a modelshop. I went and looked at the remote controlled helicopters. 180 for a small plastic thing. Fuck that. But I saw a pile of hlaf price kits. I was very tempted. The opportunity to relive my youth of fingerprints in the frosted glass windows of WW2 aeroplanes. Smelly glue and enamel. Maybe in next winter.
I made sag aloo. Women in Hindu communities are sexist. Men are not really allowed in the kitchen. But I leanrt. oh yes. OK so my chappatti still come out square, but, I have sag aloo better than ANY indian restaraunt.
It was probably because of the fucking excellent party. Hardcore.
I did household chores! I paid both credit cards. I did the things that you are supposd to do in living in this bullshit paperwork kulture. For fucks sake if I was meant to spend my life shuffling paper then I would have evolved with a fucking biro instead of a left hand. Anyway its all good baby, and what is more it is evidence that I am feeling better.
I cycled to the Mall. In the plastic spearminted indoors highstreet I heard REAL music. A youth played piano in a cafe, he gave a shit, his music was real. There was a sprig of green life, of human emotion, admist the fake ferns and promanading posing potted people!
I found a modelshop. I went and looked at the remote controlled helicopters. 180 for a small plastic thing. Fuck that. But I saw a pile of hlaf price kits. I was very tempted. The opportunity to relive my youth of fingerprints in the frosted glass windows of WW2 aeroplanes. Smelly glue and enamel. Maybe in next winter.
I made sag aloo. Women in Hindu communities are sexist. Men are not really allowed in the kitchen. But I leanrt. oh yes. OK so my chappatti still come out square, but, I have sag aloo better than ANY indian restaraunt.
You like Juliana? Im impressed. I have all of her stuff and frequently baffle people by going on about her.

hmmmm we are heading into winter down here.....i too am sometimes tempted by the model shop.....a simple kit like the spitfire or a sopwith camel hahahaha!!!