travelling and returning. I love both. i love the perspective shifts that occur.
weather: warm and sunny at first clouding over.
nlp tip. modal operators. if you find yourself saying something like 'i should _______', then notice how it feels. then try it again with a different 'modal operator', such as could, would, want to, might, have to, must, can, etc. notice any difference?
I am going to retire soon. I am very excited. I am done with all that deviant stuff. The government has won. The corporates have won. I give up. I will write it down, a resume of 'doing the right thing'.
weather: warm and sunny at first clouding over.
nlp tip. modal operators. if you find yourself saying something like 'i should _______', then notice how it feels. then try it again with a different 'modal operator', such as could, would, want to, might, have to, must, can, etc. notice any difference?
I am going to retire soon. I am very excited. I am done with all that deviant stuff. The government has won. The corporates have won. I give up. I will write it down, a resume of 'doing the right thing'.