Goddess I feel lucky to be alive
It started me doing some research. I wanted to know who this guy was, surely there must be some online celebration of the man? But I could find very little.
What I did find however was very interesting. Forty years on I can read the transcriptsof an intelligence officer aboard and also the report of the plane that found the submarine.
Blessed be. take nothing for granted.

Goddess I feel lucky to be alive
It started me doing some research. I wanted to know who this guy was, surely there must be some online celebration of the man? But I could find very little.
What I did find however was very interesting. Forty years on I can read the transcriptsof an intelligence officer aboard and also the report of the plane that found the submarine.
Blessed be. take nothing for granted.
Hey, there's an Enemy Territory match this Friday night (6pm central but come whenever). Hope to gib...er...see you there!