Hi all... apparently SG IS actually renewing after all...
But yeah... life is interesting right now...
If anyone wants fuck my ex, we're looking...
All fit guys and girls welcome... But guys, keep it under like, 22 ish... she's 18...
But yeah, aside from that... I hate school; it blows my cock.
I'm dropping two of my classes this quarter, leaving me with 1 1/2... I'm such a winner...
Anyway, message me about the thing.... or just for love... I should check the boards and come to a local happening some time... Heh, maybe i should arrange a gang bang for my girl...
Or maybe not.... Anyway, see you guys...
But yeah... life is interesting right now...
If anyone wants fuck my ex, we're looking...
All fit guys and girls welcome... But guys, keep it under like, 22 ish... she's 18...
But yeah, aside from that... I hate school; it blows my cock.
I'm dropping two of my classes this quarter, leaving me with 1 1/2... I'm such a winner...
Anyway, message me about the thing.... or just for love... I should check the boards and come to a local happening some time... Heh, maybe i should arrange a gang bang for my girl...

heh, hope you are well

Happy ChristmaHanaKwanzakah!!