So much shit to do. Per usual. Guh.
So. . . I wanna do somethin':
My bike is really old. Like, not quite twice my age, but definitely significantly older than I am. It's major sweet. However. . . parts of it are gettin' a little rough and rather than spending the money and time to really fix it up, I wanna cover the frame with stickers. Bands. Causes. Witty sayings. Dinosaurs.
Here's where you come in. Y'all know I don't have time, money, or energy to go out and find a bunch of stickers to put on my bike (and that wouldn't be very interesting, now would it?), so send me stickers! I'll stick it n Vinnie the Schwinny and post the picture on here.
(I will not put offensive stickers on my bike. Keep in mind that I'm a grumpy ol' radical, so don't be a dork. AND please no Hot Topic/Spencer's/Gas station crap. Political candidates from states far away or your personal political cause--you know I've probs heard of it or work parellel to it anyway--would be super awesome. hahaha.)
Let's see how it goes. I'll repost this over and over again until I cover the entire frame.
My address
Alright, then.
1. Did you wear red for Myanmar/Burma yet/
2. Does wearing a color or ribbon actually help the cause?
3. What's your take on Gap's Red Shirt AIDS campaign?
4. How many different cause ribbons can you think of?
5.Would you put a rainbow sticker on the back of your vehicle or wear a rainbow pin or ribbon?
Alright, back to my anti-globalization radical feminist readings.
What a great idea - stickers!!!
I mostly have music equipment-related stickers but shall send them nonetheless.
1. Did you wear red for Myanmar/Burma yet/ Crap! Am I supposed to? Like what? I make a point of never wearing accesories - I am strictly a utilitarian dresser.
2. Does wearing a color or ribbon actually help the cause? In this case it might raise awerness cos the average american has no clue about it even though it's on the news every night.
3. What's your take on Gap's Red Shirt AIDS campaign? I do not "see" advertising. I have special sunglasses and a small cone of perception, so I haven't noticed anything.
4. How many different cause ribbons can you think of? 4
5.Would you put a rainbow sticker on the back of your vehicle or wear a rainbow pin or ribbon? I would if I were the type to adorn myself or my things. I completely absolutey rabidly support gay rights and don't care if anyone thinks I'm gay (a lot of guys seem to worry about that). My mother thought she was gay when I was 6-10. Her lover lived with us. My mom is stupid but gay people aren't. Usually.
Yay for anti-globalization/free trade!!!!!!
Oh wait, I dont' have the gas money for that >.<