Not my favorite, but there's something interesting going on in there. . .
So, Matt left for Iraq just a little while ago. We barely talked when he called me to say goodbye. I could tell he was trying to stay upbeat, but it's been really dragging on him. This is his last time going over, though, so he's held onto that as his ray of hope.
Fuck Bush.
Fuck anti-choice assholes.
Fuck free-trade morons.
Fuck the status quo.
Fuck patriarchy.
Fuck capitalism.
Fuck fundamentalism in ALL religions.
Fuck hierarchies.
Fuck it all.
It's one of those days.
I slept forever and skipped class. I even got a shower and got dressed and headed for campus. THen turned around, went to the market, and came right back home until I had to leave for work.
I'm pretty sure I'm pseudo-depressed from not sleeping or getting the amount of exercise I'm used to. Stupid fucking schedule. I hate that I have to bust my ass like this. Most of the people in my classes don't work and never have. The rest work on campus part-time. It's hard to explain to the privileged students and professors (and, yes, I know that by being white and American and being able to even go to school, I have a significant amount of privilege) that joining service clubs takes too much time, going to conferences interferes with work and is too expensive, that it's fucking hard to keep a 3.9 on four hours of sleep a night.
WHy the fuck am I sitting here feeling sorry for myself??? I'm sitting in a climate-controlled house, in warm clothes, typing on a computer when there are people who can't even get WATER or clean air or sufficient food. There are young girls being raped for money that will go to support the brothels that "house" and abuse them. THere are little boys being kidnapped from their families who are slaughtered in front of them, and being trained to fire weapons as big as they to kill complete strangers.
I hate my brain sometimes.
FUck it.
I have a cup of organic chamomile tea sitting here waiting to be sipped. And more Catherine MacKinnon to read. Yeah. I've posed nude and I read Catherine MacKinnon. haha.
1. What is your cause? What do you fight?
2. Can we fix the broken?
3. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
4. Why is my computer being such a buttface lately?
5. What color are your mom's eyes?

Not my favorite, but there's something interesting going on in there. . .
So, Matt left for Iraq just a little while ago. We barely talked when he called me to say goodbye. I could tell he was trying to stay upbeat, but it's been really dragging on him. This is his last time going over, though, so he's held onto that as his ray of hope.
Fuck Bush.
Fuck anti-choice assholes.
Fuck free-trade morons.
Fuck the status quo.
Fuck patriarchy.
Fuck capitalism.
Fuck fundamentalism in ALL religions.
Fuck hierarchies.
Fuck it all.
It's one of those days.
I slept forever and skipped class. I even got a shower and got dressed and headed for campus. THen turned around, went to the market, and came right back home until I had to leave for work.
I'm pretty sure I'm pseudo-depressed from not sleeping or getting the amount of exercise I'm used to. Stupid fucking schedule. I hate that I have to bust my ass like this. Most of the people in my classes don't work and never have. The rest work on campus part-time. It's hard to explain to the privileged students and professors (and, yes, I know that by being white and American and being able to even go to school, I have a significant amount of privilege) that joining service clubs takes too much time, going to conferences interferes with work and is too expensive, that it's fucking hard to keep a 3.9 on four hours of sleep a night.
WHy the fuck am I sitting here feeling sorry for myself??? I'm sitting in a climate-controlled house, in warm clothes, typing on a computer when there are people who can't even get WATER or clean air or sufficient food. There are young girls being raped for money that will go to support the brothels that "house" and abuse them. THere are little boys being kidnapped from their families who are slaughtered in front of them, and being trained to fire weapons as big as they to kill complete strangers.
I hate my brain sometimes.
FUck it.
I have a cup of organic chamomile tea sitting here waiting to be sipped. And more Catherine MacKinnon to read. Yeah. I've posed nude and I read Catherine MacKinnon. haha.
1. What is your cause? What do you fight?
2. Can we fix the broken?
3. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
4. Why is my computer being such a buttface lately?
5. What color are your mom's eyes?
Kay, sorry this was so negative. Like I said, the sleep-deprivation and inactivity is killing me.
Be well.
1. What is your cause? What do you fight? to make sure i dont end up the way my parents are
2. Can we fix the broken? no we can only stop the bleeding
3. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? a back alley in nyc doing crack
4. Why is my computer being such a buttface lately? because you havnt asked my nerdy self how to fix it
5. What color are your mom's eyes? i barely remember her birthday and you expect me to know what color eyes haha
I feel ya on the negative vibes, I cant get myself outta my funk either