Wow. . . That fucker would call this Communism if someone tried to implement this here. . .
From (from a longer article about "A New Way Forward", AKA "Nothing Accomplished Part Three")
New Deal-style jobs program planned
The sources said the plan will include a new jobs program -- what one source called a "make-work program similar to the New Deal." It is expected to cost at least $1 billion. The program would be in addition to pursuing other reconstruction projects with unused funds.
"There's also a lot in the pipeline, money on reconstruction that hasn't been used. People would build a water tower, or electric plant, get shot at and leave," a source said.
The thinking is that "the administration is trying to bridge a gap, to get the Iraqis to survive, to help those caught in the middle. Give them a job and the chance to make a few bucks," one source said
The plan will expand a program that provides jobs for Iraqis.
The U.S. State Department will beef up its "provincial reconstruction teams" -- agency officials who coordinate local reconstruction with Iraqi companies.
"The economy is dysfunctional because of lack of security," a source said.
And later, there's this:
Iran, Syria to be discussed
Sources said the president will tell the nation in his address why he believes it is not a good idea to engage Iran or Syria directly in talks regarding Iraq. The Iraq Study Group included U.S. talks with Iran and Syria among its key recommendations.
Sources said Bush also will call for a renewed effort to bring about peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is scheduled to leave Friday for an extensive trip through the Middle East and Europe to sell the president's plan, sources said. Her stops will include Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Germany, England and Saudi Arabia.
More selling may be needed closer to home.
"Twenty thousand troops is not enough to deal with the problem," Sen. Joe Biden, D-Delaware, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Sunday. "We're going to have American forces going door-to-door in neighborhoods in Baghdad, a town of 6 million people."
The president's fellow Republicans expressed reservations as well.
"I want to know how this surge will occur," Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, said Sunday. "What will be the numbers? What will they do? What do they hope to achieve?"
Selling the plan. . . Seriously.
And why exclude Iraq's neighbors? This administration's foreign policy has been shaped with seemingly no input from the people most affected by Bush's incompetence. This has led to the disastrous situation over there. And almost in spite of American's growing objections to the war and Shrub's current policy and plans, the moron continues to fuck up and do whatever the hell he wants? I want to know who's advising this guy. Seriously. More people are going to die, military and civilian alike. Anyone else hear the reports on the increase in car bombs and sectarian violence in Iraq AND Afghanistan?
Obviously, "staying the course" ain't working.
From (from a longer article about "A New Way Forward", AKA "Nothing Accomplished Part Three")
New Deal-style jobs program planned
The sources said the plan will include a new jobs program -- what one source called a "make-work program similar to the New Deal." It is expected to cost at least $1 billion. The program would be in addition to pursuing other reconstruction projects with unused funds.
"There's also a lot in the pipeline, money on reconstruction that hasn't been used. People would build a water tower, or electric plant, get shot at and leave," a source said.
The thinking is that "the administration is trying to bridge a gap, to get the Iraqis to survive, to help those caught in the middle. Give them a job and the chance to make a few bucks," one source said
The plan will expand a program that provides jobs for Iraqis.
The U.S. State Department will beef up its "provincial reconstruction teams" -- agency officials who coordinate local reconstruction with Iraqi companies.
"The economy is dysfunctional because of lack of security," a source said.
And later, there's this:
Iran, Syria to be discussed
Sources said the president will tell the nation in his address why he believes it is not a good idea to engage Iran or Syria directly in talks regarding Iraq. The Iraq Study Group included U.S. talks with Iran and Syria among its key recommendations.
Sources said Bush also will call for a renewed effort to bring about peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is scheduled to leave Friday for an extensive trip through the Middle East and Europe to sell the president's plan, sources said. Her stops will include Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Germany, England and Saudi Arabia.
More selling may be needed closer to home.
"Twenty thousand troops is not enough to deal with the problem," Sen. Joe Biden, D-Delaware, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Sunday. "We're going to have American forces going door-to-door in neighborhoods in Baghdad, a town of 6 million people."
The president's fellow Republicans expressed reservations as well.
"I want to know how this surge will occur," Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, said Sunday. "What will be the numbers? What will they do? What do they hope to achieve?"
Selling the plan. . . Seriously.
And why exclude Iraq's neighbors? This administration's foreign policy has been shaped with seemingly no input from the people most affected by Bush's incompetence. This has led to the disastrous situation over there. And almost in spite of American's growing objections to the war and Shrub's current policy and plans, the moron continues to fuck up and do whatever the hell he wants? I want to know who's advising this guy. Seriously. More people are going to die, military and civilian alike. Anyone else hear the reports on the increase in car bombs and sectarian violence in Iraq AND Afghanistan?
Obviously, "staying the course" ain't working.
ditto...DITTO! I use to be all in the politics. I have copious amounts of weekly news journals and mags and I don't read any of them any more. I'm fed up of hearing the same shit over and over again. Where's paradise, I wanna go!
I just can't understand why the fucker hasn't been impeached yet. I mean,seriously!