Look at my little brownie! Isn't she sweet? I wake up with her snuggled up against me every morning.
She's in the other room, lying on the Ikea, staring at me. It's time for our daily run, and she wants to GOOOOOO! She can tell I'm all ready. hehe. I didn't run yesterday because I had a meeting with my regional manager, and the I didn't take her with me the day before because it was so damned hot. The rain last night really cooled everything down, and the air is much more breathable today than it has been.
In non-puppup news, I'm close to having my ticket paid for, but still with no hours at the bar. Unless my paycheck from the bar totals the short amount, I'm going to be borrowing the money from my dad. Which sucks. Hard. I really appreciate all teh help my daddy gives me, but it makes me feel so guilty. I'm 23. I've been working for 9 years. I've been on my own for 5 years. Why should my daddy still be helping me? . . . 'Cause he loves me and I'm the favorite, that's why!!! And he knows I'll pay him back as soon as possible.
I'm staring at a list of the supplies text books I need for next semester. Classes start August 21st. I have the distinct feeling that my credit card is going to see some sunlight. Which sucks. $135 for a parking pass, about $75 in supplies, $200-400 in books. I'm hitting Amazon and usedbooks HARD! Unfortunately, two of my classes have new books. Damnit.
I leave you with a happy note:
What kind of pet do you have?
I used to work with Corpho.
She got a raise.
But the funny part is that I was gonna quit, and this way I end up getting unemployment!
Seriously though, as Kiska can tell you, I'm a good listener (reader) and advice giver if you ever wanna message me about stuff.
I also like getting all up in people's business.
But you don't have to obviously.