I'm so groggy today. I've done nothing but work, sleep and read lately.
And talk to my Jaboc on the phone all night.
Hm. Maybe that's why I'm so sleepy. hehe
So something has been bugging me: how can parents let their children get obese? What's with feeding McDonald's to little kids? A Happy Meal has more fat and calories than even a healthy ADULT needs. Why in the hell would you give that to your child? And the shit in grocery stores isn't much better! Look at the stuff that's marketed toward children and families! Microwave meals are nothing but preservatives and sodium; white bread has nothing but carbohydrates; Kool-Aid is pure sugar; macaroni and cheese is loaded with cholesterol. And we wonder why we've become a nation of fatties!!!
Marketing is so aimed towards kids. Watch Saturday morning cartoons and check out what's being sold in the commercials. Between two sweet-ass looking non-biodegradable-made-in-China toys runs an ad for sugary cereals, deep-fried fast food, or sodium-laced finger foods. Brand recognition and brand loyalty are the major goals of this advertising. And if you can get a kid to sing the jingle for a fast food restaurant, you've got him/her hooked. And the spoiled little brats yell and scream in the grocery store if they can't get the bright-colored box with the teeth-rotting sugar-flavored industrial biproduct inside.
Parents need to stop being so "nice" to their kids and straight-up lay down the law. Who cares if the kid pouts??? It'll live longer and won't have the health problems associated with obesity!!!
And it's important to set a good example. Don't sit on the couch with the kids and stuff your breeder face with potato chips. You should know better by now, and you took the responsibility to raise a child without killing it.
Letting your kids get fat is child abuse. They have to live with emotional problems from growing up and geting teased at school. They'll have serious health problems for most of their lives. . . Just give them healthy food and keep them physically active.
America the Obese. . . jesus. . .
Tell me your funniest sex story. Please.
Their studio was in the same building I worked in, so there would always be these pathetic ugly fat all black wearing teenagers hanging around the lobby hoping against hope to get a glimpse of Marilyn Manson or some other equally boring twat (s).