New work out today. Woot.
"I'm a level four vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow."
Love you, Kiska.
Spent all day yesterday hanging out with my favorite local SG. Went shopping. Doubled my wardrobe. haha. But spent much less money than I would have to.
I love having female friends. Hand-me-downs ROCK!
Go rent TransAmerica. It's a-fucking-mazing.
It was really nice to spend time with a friend who knows me well. I was in such a fucked-up mental/emotional place for so long. It's nice to know that there are some people who can see and understand that and give me the space that I need. I feel bad, though, because I was crazy when I met Villain, who is sweet as all get out, but probably thinks I'm a rabid bitch. hahahaha.
I've decided to buy a bike. I'm very excited. Gonna save up a little money so I can get a decent, used road bike. And I found a dingy bell for it that I HAVE to have. hahaha
What's your favorite joke?
You rock the socks.
i love this photo. is that new work out? or new workout? like jane fonda? love the star. is that for real?