Work work work. Blah blah blah.
Haven't made much money the last few days. That sucks. Espesh since I've been spending money. Oops.
Went to the bookstore last night with Kierston. Got some good stuff: Johnny Got His Gun, The Body Artist, and Candide. I have the next two days off, so I plan to do a lot of reading.
Any suggestions for good books to read?
The sun has finally come out. It's still not warm outside, though. What's up with this???
A poem from a month or to ago:
Handful of nights behind the bar
and 6
years of college
have made me on expert
at convincing
other men's girls
out of their clothes.
She giggles and tells me
You're so pretty.
The only compliment
in these hermetic months
of thesis and theory.
I fall asleep between silk and Sarah Vaughn.
When all the revolutions have been fought,
poetry becomes the art
of experience.
Who is the last person you snuggled with? Kissed?
"Lunar Park" by Bret Easton Ellis
"A Long Way Down" by Nick Hornby
Good reads...