I'm feeling negative today.
Ignorance sucks. Ignorant people suck even more. Institutions that perpetuate and celebrate ignorance suck the most.
I'm tired of ignorant males hitting on me. If you're anything less-left than a Democrat we're not going to get along. If you haven't read a book since graduating high school, or think Chuck Paluhniak is high literature, I'm going to walk all over you intellectually (though Chuck is entertaining). If you watch MTV, I'm going to make fun of you. Roses are tacky. Candlelight is cliche. Movie kisses are ridiculous. Come-on lines are just funny. I believe that it is INCREDIBLY disrespectful to approach me like I'm some character-type out of a Hollywood crap movie.
Yes, I think I'm better than some people. Most of them, men in this area and who have contacted me on MySpace and even on here.

Ignorance sucks. Ignorant people suck even more. Institutions that perpetuate and celebrate ignorance suck the most.
I'm tired of ignorant males hitting on me. If you're anything less-left than a Democrat we're not going to get along. If you haven't read a book since graduating high school, or think Chuck Paluhniak is high literature, I'm going to walk all over you intellectually (though Chuck is entertaining). If you watch MTV, I'm going to make fun of you. Roses are tacky. Candlelight is cliche. Movie kisses are ridiculous. Come-on lines are just funny. I believe that it is INCREDIBLY disrespectful to approach me like I'm some character-type out of a Hollywood crap movie.
Yes, I think I'm better than some people. Most of them, men in this area and who have contacted me on MySpace and even on here.
oh btw I liked your set...I also thought it was cute enough not to be rejected
No arguments here. Except that perhaps "think" should be "am"...
While dealing with local idiots can be depressing, how do we face the reality of the people running the nation?