OK, well I guess it is about time for me to update.
Work has been overly stressful this week. The (not so) famous Nashville Flood has made me have to kick it into overdrive in order to keep up. For those of you who really didn't know what happened...
There is a place here called Sound Check that is a multi-building warehouse that has stages for pretour production, 250-300 "lockers" where every major touring musician and studio musician store their gear, along with offices and parking for tour trailers. It also happens to be the largest of it's kind... in the world. Sound Check happens to sit by the Cumberland river. The river bank is normally about 10' below the parking lot. The bay doors sit about 4' above the parking lot. On Monday afternoon, May 3rd, there was 5-6 feet of water above that. The following Saturday, I volunteered to help at was called"The Sound Check Triage @Ambrose". An off-site warehouse where they were bringing gear over from Sound Check to assess the damage. This was the guitar apocalypse! I personally disassembled a dozen or so guitars to salvage what we could. Acoustic guitars were a lost cause. My focus was on a couple of smaller touring act but was assisting with Peter Frampton and John Fogerty's gear. I held Fampton's #1 guitar, trashed. Fogerty had the first guitar he ever owned, the one hos father gave to him, trashed. Fogerty also had a custom Louisville Slugger Guitar, completely water logged. I didn't get to assist with but did see Keith Urban's stuff along with Lynyrd Skynrd's stage. Plus, I watched a man open his own case which held a $1,000,000 1959 Gibson ES335 Custom... and cry. Not only was the dollar amount staggering but the historical value is unmeasurable. How do you put a price tag on the 1958 Explorer that wrote and recorder "Freebird", the same guitar which was one of the only surviving pieces of gear to come out of the plane crash that kill most of Skynrd. We will never have that back. To say the least, it was a sad day in this town.
Now, to come full circle, why is my job more stressful? Well I live in one of the largest musical cities in the world, I work for the largest Music retail company in the world, the largest store in Nashville and I work in the Professional division which deals with the major tour artist, studio musicians and studios themselves. Guess how many there are in my division? 3. Usually around this time of year, we are supplying tours with some backup essentials and maybe a guitar or two. Now, I am tracking down 30 of this or 20 of that. Today, for an example, I had to find 3- $3000 custom basses by Monday. One is difficult but doable. 3 is (nearly) impossible. I say nearly because I got them all. It's my fucking job! Working from 9-7 or so everyday with this much drama does not make Mikey a happy camper.
What does make Mikey a happy camper is getting the sex! I didn't even have to pay for it. I'm not even going to say how long it's been but trust me, it's a while. The next day we texted a bit but then I didn't hear from her. Spooks, my roommate, said "Don't call her. You hit her up the day after and now it's her move. If she doesn't call, oh well." Easy for someone to say who is getting it regularly. She finally texted me today. Apparently she was waiting on me to call or text her because her friends told her the same thing Spooks told me. Why is it so Taboo to tell someone you like them without going through the proper procedures? I like you Dmac! I like you Madscience! Was that so hard!
I think I've blown you all up too much for one sitting. The next installment will include this girl who is moving here from Chicago and wants to start hanging out.
Work has been overly stressful this week. The (not so) famous Nashville Flood has made me have to kick it into overdrive in order to keep up. For those of you who really didn't know what happened...
There is a place here called Sound Check that is a multi-building warehouse that has stages for pretour production, 250-300 "lockers" where every major touring musician and studio musician store their gear, along with offices and parking for tour trailers. It also happens to be the largest of it's kind... in the world. Sound Check happens to sit by the Cumberland river. The river bank is normally about 10' below the parking lot. The bay doors sit about 4' above the parking lot. On Monday afternoon, May 3rd, there was 5-6 feet of water above that. The following Saturday, I volunteered to help at was called"The Sound Check Triage @Ambrose". An off-site warehouse where they were bringing gear over from Sound Check to assess the damage. This was the guitar apocalypse! I personally disassembled a dozen or so guitars to salvage what we could. Acoustic guitars were a lost cause. My focus was on a couple of smaller touring act but was assisting with Peter Frampton and John Fogerty's gear. I held Fampton's #1 guitar, trashed. Fogerty had the first guitar he ever owned, the one hos father gave to him, trashed. Fogerty also had a custom Louisville Slugger Guitar, completely water logged. I didn't get to assist with but did see Keith Urban's stuff along with Lynyrd Skynrd's stage. Plus, I watched a man open his own case which held a $1,000,000 1959 Gibson ES335 Custom... and cry. Not only was the dollar amount staggering but the historical value is unmeasurable. How do you put a price tag on the 1958 Explorer that wrote and recorder "Freebird", the same guitar which was one of the only surviving pieces of gear to come out of the plane crash that kill most of Skynrd. We will never have that back. To say the least, it was a sad day in this town.
Now, to come full circle, why is my job more stressful? Well I live in one of the largest musical cities in the world, I work for the largest Music retail company in the world, the largest store in Nashville and I work in the Professional division which deals with the major tour artist, studio musicians and studios themselves. Guess how many there are in my division? 3. Usually around this time of year, we are supplying tours with some backup essentials and maybe a guitar or two. Now, I am tracking down 30 of this or 20 of that. Today, for an example, I had to find 3- $3000 custom basses by Monday. One is difficult but doable. 3 is (nearly) impossible. I say nearly because I got them all. It's my fucking job! Working from 9-7 or so everyday with this much drama does not make Mikey a happy camper.
What does make Mikey a happy camper is getting the sex! I didn't even have to pay for it. I'm not even going to say how long it's been but trust me, it's a while. The next day we texted a bit but then I didn't hear from her. Spooks, my roommate, said "Don't call her. You hit her up the day after and now it's her move. If she doesn't call, oh well." Easy for someone to say who is getting it regularly. She finally texted me today. Apparently she was waiting on me to call or text her because her friends told her the same thing Spooks told me. Why is it so Taboo to tell someone you like them without going through the proper procedures? I like you Dmac! I like you Madscience! Was that so hard!

I think I've blown you all up too much for one sitting. The next installment will include this girl who is moving here from Chicago and wants to start hanging out.
Expect a Jamielee flying through the air toward you with arms outstretched the next time you're in town. 

The sad thing is, I AM paying someone to work on my yard. But they haven't shown up. Or returned my calls. And I signed a contract so I'm reluctant to go with someone else right now. But things (vegetation) are so out of control, I'm slowly but surely doing everything on my own.
I won't be using them again . . .