I just realized that I have been on here for just over 5 years!!
And oddly enough I made a 5 year comment on my first blog
Nope, he's still alive.
In girl news... Nothing great. This girl I have gone out with a couple times I kinda dig but she is interacting with me like a friend. Twice now I have gone in for a kiss at the end of the night and twice I have gotten the turned head. WTF?! Morning after the second one I sent her a text (she is a huge texter):
Me: Where did I go wrong?
Her: You didn't!! I just don't want to note into anything too fast. I have a lot going through my head.
Me: I think you are interesting and adorable but if you are not into this, you need to tell me.
That was Friday morning. Still haven't heard anything. Do I call her? Do I chalk it up as another loss? Do I wait? This is why I never try.

And oddly enough I made a 5 year comment on my first blog
Nope, he's still alive.
In girl news... Nothing great. This girl I have gone out with a couple times I kinda dig but she is interacting with me like a friend. Twice now I have gone in for a kiss at the end of the night and twice I have gotten the turned head. WTF?! Morning after the second one I sent her a text (she is a huge texter):
Me: Where did I go wrong?
Her: You didn't!! I just don't want to note into anything too fast. I have a lot going through my head.
Me: I think you are interesting and adorable but if you are not into this, you need to tell me.
That was Friday morning. Still haven't heard anything. Do I call her? Do I chalk it up as another loss? Do I wait? This is why I never try.

How old is this girl? I think that context might be helpful. Kinda weird to avoid the kiss after the 2nd date. I don't know what's going on there. Lay off for now. You could potentially text her next week, but I'd probably just let the ball stay in her court. You made yourself abundantly clear (which is awesome, BTW).