I saw Crazy Heart last night at a sneak peek. It was OK. My Roommate predicted almost the entire movie minus a couple of small details. Yep, kind of predictable. But it was free so I don't give a shit. Maggie Gyllenhaal is not all that great but Jeff Bridges is amazing. Especially when Tron Legacy comes out. I'm doin the pee-pee dance just waiting for it. December can't come soon enough.
Well, It's snowing in Nashville. We actually got about 5in and still going. You would think it was the apocalypse. I did get out of work early and got to go home to watch The Hangover. Doing nothing can sometimes be sooo fun. Tomorrow, however, we are setting up the studio up stairs which will take a while but is long overdue. Then, tomorrow night, if weather permits, we will have the Wolf Moon. It should be the largest moon of the year and it should be a great night. I might bundle up and walk through a park. Something about snow on the ground (and/or snowing) under a full moon in a quiet area is peaceful to me. I don't need a beach with crashing waves. Give me the cold, crisp air. Now, is it sad that my Saturday night is already planned for and I am by myself?
I had a conversation with the girl from my last entry last night. She told me she loves me, she cried, told me she never wanted to lose me... as a friend. Fail. I am the king of this situation and I fucking hate it! Someday,,, Someday.
Now, those of you who actually read my entries (all 3 of you) know that I have wacky dreams and remember all of them. Usually, it has something to do with something in life that day. Last night was about AC (aka the one that got away) but the content was my conversation from earlier. It was one of those wake up in the middle of the dream, go back to sleep and right back into it... and again... and again. Those dreams seem to linger with me a bit longer and especially this content. I'm rambling
Well, It's snowing in Nashville. We actually got about 5in and still going. You would think it was the apocalypse. I did get out of work early and got to go home to watch The Hangover. Doing nothing can sometimes be sooo fun. Tomorrow, however, we are setting up the studio up stairs which will take a while but is long overdue. Then, tomorrow night, if weather permits, we will have the Wolf Moon. It should be the largest moon of the year and it should be a great night. I might bundle up and walk through a park. Something about snow on the ground (and/or snowing) under a full moon in a quiet area is peaceful to me. I don't need a beach with crashing waves. Give me the cold, crisp air. Now, is it sad that my Saturday night is already planned for and I am by myself?
I had a conversation with the girl from my last entry last night. She told me she loves me, she cried, told me she never wanted to lose me... as a friend. Fail. I am the king of this situation and I fucking hate it! Someday,,, Someday.
Now, those of you who actually read my entries (all 3 of you) know that I have wacky dreams and remember all of them. Usually, it has something to do with something in life that day. Last night was about AC (aka the one that got away) but the content was my conversation from earlier. It was one of those wake up in the middle of the dream, go back to sleep and right back into it... and again... and again. Those dreams seem to linger with me a bit longer and especially this content. I'm rambling
I know people at work will ask . . . maybe I'll say ninja icicle throwing star and go into your story . . .
Why does your account need reactivation?? I'm going to reactivate it tomorrow if you haven't . . . you're not allowed to leave.