OK, I'm sorry for the delay but I just moved and I am having to steal internets from my neighbor. I can only get signal in the attic or if I drive down the street.
I leave tomorrow morning for California. Going to visit my brother in Malibu and head to NAMM. It's a convention for Musicians and gear nerds... of which I am both. Leaving 20 degree days for 70's... should be rough. Plus I get In n Out which I haven't had in a while and real Mexican food. Street meat Mexican not the sit down place. I want to know how it compares to Nashville Mexican which is surprisingly good. Now, is it sad that I plan my trips around what I am going to eat?
We had our christmas party last night and yours truly won the Leadership award. The store manager called me one of the funniest and smarts guys he has ever worked with. Then I had to go and ruin it when my punk band played for them all. Ran around the crowd in lederhosen, a "Bacon is meat candy" shirt (I wonder where I got that?) and a steak on a helmut on my head.
I'm surprised the girl who took this video posted it. Why? Because I did something to make me go from her favorite person to close to least favorite... I asked her out.
Why must I always fail at this? I have known this girl for over a year and I work with her. Her and I have become good friends and she would always say shit like, "I can't wait till we get married" and "I love you so hard" (which I taught her). Obviously she is joking but a bit of truth is in there. We always have fun so I'd figure now would be a good time to go for it. This was the best shot I think I have ever had of getting into a relationship with someone who actually like me for me. But alas, no go. I hate this feeling. I am back to square zero. Square one would require me to have something to shoot for.
sorry to end on a sad note but I just don't feel like writing anymore.........
I leave tomorrow morning for California. Going to visit my brother in Malibu and head to NAMM. It's a convention for Musicians and gear nerds... of which I am both. Leaving 20 degree days for 70's... should be rough. Plus I get In n Out which I haven't had in a while and real Mexican food. Street meat Mexican not the sit down place. I want to know how it compares to Nashville Mexican which is surprisingly good. Now, is it sad that I plan my trips around what I am going to eat?
We had our christmas party last night and yours truly won the Leadership award. The store manager called me one of the funniest and smarts guys he has ever worked with. Then I had to go and ruin it when my punk band played for them all. Ran around the crowd in lederhosen, a "Bacon is meat candy" shirt (I wonder where I got that?) and a steak on a helmut on my head.
I'm surprised the girl who took this video posted it. Why? Because I did something to make me go from her favorite person to close to least favorite... I asked her out.
Why must I always fail at this? I have known this girl for over a year and I work with her. Her and I have become good friends and she would always say shit like, "I can't wait till we get married" and "I love you so hard" (which I taught her). Obviously she is joking but a bit of truth is in there. We always have fun so I'd figure now would be a good time to go for it. This was the best shot I think I have ever had of getting into a relationship with someone who actually like me for me. But alas, no go. I hate this feeling. I am back to square zero. Square one would require me to have something to shoot for.
sorry to end on a sad note but I just don't feel like writing anymore.........
Have fun on your trip!
I think I ALWAYS miss your b'day. It IS in my mind as a September b'day, but I think inevitably, I don't say anything until mid to late Sept.