And so, I sit at home, once again, without much of an idea of what to do. Long-term, short-term, hell, even just what to eat, or if I even want to eat. It doesn't help that I've got a righteous Headcold, but it's more just exacerbating emotions that are already strongly in place. Does anyone have any ideas to help break someone out of a rut?
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 24, 2007
My friend Matt Shaw finally passed away from injuries he suffered fro… -
Sunday Jul 22, 2007
Man, seems like -everyone- is having a rough time these days. If it … -
Saturday Jul 21, 2007
Ugh. Fuckin' BLAH, 'meh, and *snore* all rolled into one. That is a… -
Tuesday Jul 17, 2007
Funniest. Video. EVER! -
Monday Jul 16, 2007
Tired, sunburned, school sucks, love life sucks, that is all. -
Monday Jul 16, 2007
Jeez, I leave town for one little weekend, thinking there's nothing r… -
Sunday Jul 08, 2007
null It's true, but it's not always that bad. Sometimes, being ni… -
Wednesday Jul 04, 2007
Phew, what a day. I was feeling kind of down, both mentally and phys… -
Saturday Jun 23, 2007
Hmm, worked the Merch table tonight, got paid $75! I think I'm in th… -
Tuesday Jun 19, 2007
I like how all of my attempts tend to just deflate. Not really blow …
I'm concentrating really hard on pulling things together for the photoshoot I want to do at the end of this month. I think it's going to be hot.
Have a good week.