You're cute, but...
That seems to be the story of my life. Am I doomed to forever be the cute 'nice guy' that people can tell their problems too but never actually take home? Jesus Christ on a Cracker, am I really just shallow enough to say that I want some physical relationships? I don't even really want sex, just someone to lay next to and caress.
/angst over
That's it, no more Mr. Nice Guy.
I've done that dance, and I've seen that it leads me towards nothing special.
That seems to be the story of my life. Am I doomed to forever be the cute 'nice guy' that people can tell their problems too but never actually take home? Jesus Christ on a Cracker, am I really just shallow enough to say that I want some physical relationships? I don't even really want sex, just someone to lay next to and caress.
/angst over
That's it, no more Mr. Nice Guy.
I've done that dance, and I've seen that it leads me towards nothing special.
No, nice can lead to good places too, I swear. It may take more time than other ways, but it does work!
Happy Thanksgiving