I'm eating some yoghurt while looking over the sea of sheet music that is spread across my floor. Ah, organization has its merits (like neat filing cabinets for example!). K, I'm off to write more papers...
More Blogs
Tuesday Jun 10, 2003
Ode to Coffee Girl her hair blonde, mussed, inviting you know? s… -
Sunday Jun 08, 2003
drizzly white sky-ed sunday too cold for bare legs light candles an… -
Friday Jun 06, 2003
the first spring day in new york necessitates everyone getting off th… -
Thursday Jun 05, 2003
white sky tree leafed out before it leaves out of focus around th… -
Tuesday Jun 03, 2003
so chalk today up as a pointless exercise in futility since i'm un… -
Monday Jun 02, 2003
..ugh. got laid off in the most passive aggressive way possible. … -
Saturday May 31, 2003
rain rain everywhere. got soaked when wandering around today showing… -
Friday May 30, 2003
the sun is shining amazingly still congested from my cold got the d… -
Wednesday May 28, 2003
*sick with a cold* bleh. last night trained for the bartending job a… -
Monday May 26, 2003
so i got the bartending job. i was supposed to only be there for 2 h…
IM me some time, ok?
[Edited on Apr 29, 2003]