january is here. xmas in provence in a tiny village, played beatles on a lovely piano for a week, made silly mock music videos with my sis on her tibook. spent new year's in berlin, rocked out with my hax0r crew, cooked up super fun tech ideas. have a wonderful friend as a house guest, will have more soon. my place is more of a hotel and technology palace than an apartment i guess....
if i had the time i would tech my place out:
~pressure position ribbons under the surface of the wall as light switches
~configure a media server to auto record/stream/playback/mix
~sensors to auto zoom full screen the media i'm watching/playing when i step away from my desk
~virtually paintable walls (whiteboard positioning sensors, video projector, homemade "paint" tools)
~super fly changeable couches and furniture
so tell me what you would do to your living space (home, office wherever you stay the most) if you had a full week of time at your disposal?
if i had the time i would tech my place out:
~pressure position ribbons under the surface of the wall as light switches
~configure a media server to auto record/stream/playback/mix
~sensors to auto zoom full screen the media i'm watching/playing when i step away from my desk
~virtually paintable walls (whiteboard positioning sensors, video projector, homemade "paint" tools)
~super fly changeable couches and furniture
so tell me what you would do to your living space (home, office wherever you stay the most) if you had a full week of time at your disposal?
little people in giant headphones are cool