so lots. came out to my friend tonight that i've started seeing women. he made me repeat it three times (i was in the street in union square! ) to make sure he heard me correctly. the last time i practically shouted it. *grin* i know how hard it was for him to come out to me, so i'm sure he was proving a bit of a point. we both grew up in a really rural area of california that is quite racist, anti-gay, etc. he still semi fears for his well being when he's visiting his dad up there. thank god i'm in nyc.
yesterday i had my last final---a demo of my dvd dj mixing system for my electronic music perf. class---was super cool! i had gene kelly tapdancing on a spinning record in a massive attack video. my linux box behaved (see prev. journal) and all was well with the world.
fun note of yesterday: went to grab an iced coffee (didn't sleep monday night due to my bitchy linux box) and a really cute girl was behind the counter. i recognized her tattoo---it was of ozma (of l frank baum fame) so i said so and she was amazed. damn i should have been less shy and struck up more of a conversation. obviously we had both read the entire oz series so we must have had SOMETHING in common. but what do you say to a girl that works in a coffee store, "um, do you want to grab coffee sometime?" *sigh*
still looking for a bartending/waitstaff job. had an offer today but it was way out on the L train, and would have taken forever from my neighborhood in brooklyn.
yesterday i had my last final---a demo of my dvd dj mixing system for my electronic music perf. class---was super cool! i had gene kelly tapdancing on a spinning record in a massive attack video. my linux box behaved (see prev. journal) and all was well with the world.
fun note of yesterday: went to grab an iced coffee (didn't sleep monday night due to my bitchy linux box) and a really cute girl was behind the counter. i recognized her tattoo---it was of ozma (of l frank baum fame) so i said so and she was amazed. damn i should have been less shy and struck up more of a conversation. obviously we had both read the entire oz series so we must have had SOMETHING in common. but what do you say to a girl that works in a coffee store, "um, do you want to grab coffee sometime?" *sigh*
still looking for a bartending/waitstaff job. had an offer today but it was way out on the L train, and would have taken forever from my neighborhood in brooklyn.
ooooh...that is uber geeky...last term I helped my friend by getting two pic 16xx chips running an mp3 player across a wireless connection...moving it to pic chips was my idea...
he wanted to use a motorola chip with coldfire (iPOD runs coldfire...I think) but what does he's only his project...he he... gonna ask that coffee girl out or what?