redyed my hair, practiced pouring all day, made demo cd of all my current work. my social life could use a boost so i'm super excited about getting out of the house and bartending tomorrow. wish me luck...

Sorry I was away sooo long...I had a long day of studying and soccer...(pic of highlights pweeeeese)
(and good luck)
well my friend kel and i got all hard core and presented a real contract for doing recording for this guy. i don't know if he'll actually go for the price we quoted, but it is way cheaper than if he were to go through a recording studio to get his demo done. it was kind of nerve-racking really. as i was perched on a...
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ooooooh...music contract...delicious...*drooools*

I hope you get it as well...it would be good and would get you sooo many more contacts and before you know it you'll have your own helicopter.

8 or 9 day weeks? aren't there 10 days in a week? besides...who needs sleep?
ever notice how nice weather seems to banish depression? after spending time in the sun yesterday i was in such a cheery mood that i went into the library to finish my paris job search photocopies. cute librarian was there. later i went with my friend for her first tattoo---it looked great and she was super tough and didn't cry. went by the coffee shop...
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that's a good soundtrack...poppy though, init?
hopefully got a job as a bartender for a classy restaurant in brooklyn. had a great interview today and i trail on thursday.

working on getting a job in paris as well as an apt. there. might have a direct trade for the 10 months i'm there.

when will the weather be gorgeous and springy? going running tomorrow morning, gnight...
french france .....yup thats it
today work was good until my boss threatened to cut me back to one day a week from my meager two. good thing i have a bartending interview tomorrow night! wish me luck.

still raining, wrote, did some sketching, hung out with my friend jimmy and had a couple of glenfiddichs.

sunny to rainy,
sad to happy,
productive to lazy to productive again,
today was one of those shifting days
as subtle and gorgeous as the patterns
of blue and green the ocean purveys.


saw the coffee shop girl again today...i think i'm going to be having quite a bit of coffee this summer.
well, you can never have too much coffee
so lots. came out to my friend tonight that i've started seeing women. he made me repeat it three times (i was in the street in union square! ) to make sure he heard me correctly. the last time i practically shouted it. *grin* i know how hard it was for him to come out to me, so i'm sure he was proving a bit...
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"want to go out for ice cream?" course...I ask that of ladies that work at ice cream stores too so... smile
ooooh...that is uber geeky...last term I helped my friend by getting two pic 16xx chips running an mp3 player across a wireless connection...moving it to pic chips was my idea...
he wanted to use a motorola chip with coldfire (iPOD runs coldfire...I think) but what does he know...it's only his project...he he...

so...you gonna ask that coffee girl out or what?
my main linux box now plays 5.1 channels of audio out of my supposedly unsupported (8 analog outs) sound card! needless to say, i'm ecstatic. i can play dvds and vary the speed, but am still working on getting real time scrubbing working on two dvds at the same time.

[4:51 AM edit: my linux box occasionally wants to behave and play 5.1. mostly she's...
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Impressive, I can't even get my network card working on my linux box.
haha linux. what a geek. i love it!
Three linux boxes are open on my floor. I stole parts from 2 of them to build my third up to a crazy dvd dj system. Finals are finally close to being over, I can't wait for vacation...i'm going to sleep like rip van winkle....
hmm. people watched in union square---cute girl with bright blue hair walked by at one point---made my day. a little girl talked to me on the subway about how purple was her favorite color. (she liked my hair i guess) also had a doughnut this morning---yum. finals are almost over. yay! wish me luck...
hope your finals go well (or have gone well?) i passed my oral exams for my masters a week ago, and am still recovering. it's easier when it's for something you actually like though, hope your finals aren't for dumb things...
I'm eating some yoghurt while looking over the sea of sheet music that is spread across my floor. Ah, organization has its merits (like neat filing cabinets for example!). K, I'm off to write more papers...
hey,you're cute. got a boy/girlfriend?
IM me some time, ok?

[Edited on Apr 29, 2003]