Oh good friggin god. So here's a question. What's better than an alarm clock at waking you up? How bout a goddamn fireman. Yeah. Fer reals.
So, after my 7am meeting yesterday, I went home to take a nap, as I always do. So, after half an hour of trying to fall asleep, I finally start going into a daze. In this pre-slumber daze, I hear children outside screaming and such. Then I hear one of them crying hysterically, and being the asshole that I am, think that one of them just biffed, as kids do all the time. Then. THEN. I start to doze off and I hear a loud banging at the door. So I'm like, whaaat the fuck? So I shamble towards the door in my pajamas and I smell a faint smokey scent. I open the door, and BAM. Fireman. He says to me he says, "Sir, there's a fire in an apartment below you, can you please vacate."
So yeah. The children were screaming and crying because they were running out of their fiery apartment, hahaha. I win.
Thankfully, nobody was hurt, and they stopped the fire before anything got completely damaged. But yeah. Here's a lesson to parents. Don't fucking leave your 8 and 9 year olds alone while you're out with your new redneck boyfriend.
So, after my 7am meeting yesterday, I went home to take a nap, as I always do. So, after half an hour of trying to fall asleep, I finally start going into a daze. In this pre-slumber daze, I hear children outside screaming and such. Then I hear one of them crying hysterically, and being the asshole that I am, think that one of them just biffed, as kids do all the time. Then. THEN. I start to doze off and I hear a loud banging at the door. So I'm like, whaaat the fuck? So I shamble towards the door in my pajamas and I smell a faint smokey scent. I open the door, and BAM. Fireman. He says to me he says, "Sir, there's a fire in an apartment below you, can you please vacate."
So yeah. The children were screaming and crying because they were running out of their fiery apartment, hahaha. I win.
Thankfully, nobody was hurt, and they stopped the fire before anything got completely damaged. But yeah. Here's a lesson to parents. Don't fucking leave your 8 and 9 year olds alone while you're out with your new redneck boyfriend.
Oops, meant to add: I'm glad they put out the fire before it destroyed anyone or everything.
we might be up for renting a room out...