*Le sigh* I apologize for the cliche, and for the ensuing, sometimes emo, but mostly incoherent "rant." Whateva.
Anyways, life has been a complete mix of good and bad recently. I know everybody's life is supposed to be balanced and shit, but mine has been almost a noticeable tug of war and it's starting to take its toll on me. I finally got to move out and be a big boy back in May, and for the most part, it's been great living outside of my parents' reach. The big problem is since they always kept me at home, I never really got a sense of having to take care of myself. But here I am...so far so good, right? Meh...not so much. Financially I haven't been to wise, and I got stuff taken away...important stuff. Oh well. I'm just really thankful for having the most amazing best friend in the world, and my more than perfect big sisters that have been my fucking saviors in all this.
But enough with the emo stuff. Now kind of with irritation. Now this has always bothered me but lately, I've been way more irritated than usual. I work at Best Buy (yeah yeah yeah, corporations, blablabla, but it puts food in my stomach) and holidays are here. Now, I've been encountering WAAAAY more ignorant people than usual. The other day, when I asked a customer if they needed help finding anything, they were like, "oh wow! You don't have an accent! I wanted to ask for help but didn't know if you'd understand." WHAT THE FUCK?! Are you kidding me? I'm sorry that only white people in America speak english, you dumbass. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed. Then that just got me remembering how much the ultra-nationalist, flag-waving, cross-bearing majority of this town piss me off. I have never in my life been around so many ignorant people that don't know what the true issues are. For fuck's sake, there's a ginormous (anybody in the Springs, nod your head if you know what I'm talking about) red truck with a superfluously huge American flag attached to it that drives around the city. You love America. I get it. You hate terrorists. I get it. Oh hey. That truck you drive? Yeah, pretty sure it guzzles gas like an overweight guy with gravy at Thanksgiving. Not only are you polluting, but you're not helping this whole gas situation. But thanks. You have a giant flag. Obviously, you're a better American than me.
Baaah. All right. I'm usually more insightful thank this, and I like to think I'm funnier, but right now not so much. So deal with it, hahaha. Anyways...umm...yeah. You all should give me something to read. I really liked writing again (I haven't done it in forever), and I don't want all this to be in vain. I know that's not the point, but hey. I like reading.
Anyways, life has been a complete mix of good and bad recently. I know everybody's life is supposed to be balanced and shit, but mine has been almost a noticeable tug of war and it's starting to take its toll on me. I finally got to move out and be a big boy back in May, and for the most part, it's been great living outside of my parents' reach. The big problem is since they always kept me at home, I never really got a sense of having to take care of myself. But here I am...so far so good, right? Meh...not so much. Financially I haven't been to wise, and I got stuff taken away...important stuff. Oh well. I'm just really thankful for having the most amazing best friend in the world, and my more than perfect big sisters that have been my fucking saviors in all this.
But enough with the emo stuff. Now kind of with irritation. Now this has always bothered me but lately, I've been way more irritated than usual. I work at Best Buy (yeah yeah yeah, corporations, blablabla, but it puts food in my stomach) and holidays are here. Now, I've been encountering WAAAAY more ignorant people than usual. The other day, when I asked a customer if they needed help finding anything, they were like, "oh wow! You don't have an accent! I wanted to ask for help but didn't know if you'd understand." WHAT THE FUCK?! Are you kidding me? I'm sorry that only white people in America speak english, you dumbass. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed. Then that just got me remembering how much the ultra-nationalist, flag-waving, cross-bearing majority of this town piss me off. I have never in my life been around so many ignorant people that don't know what the true issues are. For fuck's sake, there's a ginormous (anybody in the Springs, nod your head if you know what I'm talking about) red truck with a superfluously huge American flag attached to it that drives around the city. You love America. I get it. You hate terrorists. I get it. Oh hey. That truck you drive? Yeah, pretty sure it guzzles gas like an overweight guy with gravy at Thanksgiving. Not only are you polluting, but you're not helping this whole gas situation. But thanks. You have a giant flag. Obviously, you're a better American than me.
Baaah. All right. I'm usually more insightful thank this, and I like to think I'm funnier, but right now not so much. So deal with it, hahaha. Anyways...umm...yeah. You all should give me something to read. I really liked writing again (I haven't done it in forever), and I don't want all this to be in vain. I know that's not the point, but hey. I like reading.