When do I get my happily ever after?
Endless nights and endless days
My mind is concentrated on one thing
When do I get my happily ever after?
Bad things happen to good people
But not in Hollywood
So I'll write a movie starring me.
and I'll get my happily ever after.
I'll win the race
I'll get the girl
But then again this a movie
And I'm stuck in reality.
I'll finish last
I'll lose the girl
The script is complete,
and this movie has no happily ever after.
and now I'm 23.
Endless nights and endless days
My mind is concentrated on one thing
When do I get my happily ever after?
Bad things happen to good people
But not in Hollywood
So I'll write a movie starring me.
and I'll get my happily ever after.
I'll win the race
I'll get the girl
But then again this a movie
And I'm stuck in reality.
I'll finish last
I'll lose the girl
The script is complete,
and this movie has no happily ever after.
and now I'm 23.
bring your hetro life mate!!
we will go to a cheap show so it is not so expensive, but it will be fun, i promise, we are always fun.
so far the penguin, benny, me and SH will be going (sh does not know it yet!)
if you are in, or not let us know!!!!!!!!
meow meow meowyou love kitties!!