Update Time Once Again
Nothing really that great to write about this week. What can i say not a whole lot of things happen during the week for old teacher Dave. My roomate Steve (my hetro life mate, add sceond half of the life partner fellowship) has joined the site so make sure to look him up. Arrr his name be SteveODelux, so talk to him ya sea dog ya! Off of the pirate tangent, people from the SGToledo group I need to talk to you about going to Misery's birthday bash up in the great white north. I'll see Misery tonight up at the bar, so I'll try and talk to her about it there, but if carpooling is to be done, which I would like, we need to talk. More than likly everyone has plans already, and I'll just hitchhike up there with some big huge trucker named Chester (which is a strage name for a large trucker).
Oh and check out http://www.audioscrobbler.com it is quite fun and if you like musak, you might be into it, and SG has it's very own Audioscrobbler group as well.
On a parting note I shall leave you with a wonderful mirad of happy time pictures.

Nothing really that great to write about this week. What can i say not a whole lot of things happen during the week for old teacher Dave. My roomate Steve (my hetro life mate, add sceond half of the life partner fellowship) has joined the site so make sure to look him up. Arrr his name be SteveODelux, so talk to him ya sea dog ya! Off of the pirate tangent, people from the SGToledo group I need to talk to you about going to Misery's birthday bash up in the great white north. I'll see Misery tonight up at the bar, so I'll try and talk to her about it there, but if carpooling is to be done, which I would like, we need to talk. More than likly everyone has plans already, and I'll just hitchhike up there with some big huge trucker named Chester (which is a strage name for a large trucker).
Oh and check out http://www.audioscrobbler.com it is quite fun and if you like musak, you might be into it, and SG has it's very own Audioscrobbler group as well.
On a parting note I shall leave you with a wonderful mirad of happy time pictures.

I think misery has the general plan, you might want to make sure.