Update Time.
Fully moved into the new apartment. I finally have the internet turned on. I always forgot how much work moving into a new place actually was, and who am I kidding it's not totally done at all, all that great little stuff you forget about I still have to buy.
Here's a picture.
Yeah it's somewhere in the middle.
And for a better idea on the overall scpoe of things.
yeah I'm an ass.
Umm heading to Mickey Finns for 2 dollar pints of Guiness, god bless that stuff. Still single. Might go see GWAR on Friday, if I have the money. More than likely will be up at Prime Time to see Black_Widow, cause it's starting to become a normal thing now. Maybe this week again I can strut around doing my Mick Jagger impression again. That and my hetro life mate Steve will prolly be making balloon animals for the bar staff again. Teaching for the crap that is Americas youth the rest of the week. Umm have I missed any thing? Umm I'm poor cause rent, is well rent and it's a thievin bastard it is. My get off my fat ass workout program is in full gear. I like soup. Ok enough for now.
5 Songs of the Moment
1. The Postal Service - Brand New Colony
2. Slipknot - Surfacing
3. Bjork - Hyperballad
4. Sigur Ros - Olsen Olsen
5. Deftones - Knife Party At The Neko
(sleep music mixed in with awake music)
//////hope everyone is doing well\\\\\\
Fully moved into the new apartment. I finally have the internet turned on. I always forgot how much work moving into a new place actually was, and who am I kidding it's not totally done at all, all that great little stuff you forget about I still have to buy.
Here's a picture.

Yeah it's somewhere in the middle.
And for a better idea on the overall scpoe of things.

yeah I'm an ass.
Umm heading to Mickey Finns for 2 dollar pints of Guiness, god bless that stuff. Still single. Might go see GWAR on Friday, if I have the money. More than likely will be up at Prime Time to see Black_Widow, cause it's starting to become a normal thing now. Maybe this week again I can strut around doing my Mick Jagger impression again. That and my hetro life mate Steve will prolly be making balloon animals for the bar staff again. Teaching for the crap that is Americas youth the rest of the week. Umm have I missed any thing? Umm I'm poor cause rent, is well rent and it's a thievin bastard it is. My get off my fat ass workout program is in full gear. I like soup. Ok enough for now.
5 Songs of the Moment
1. The Postal Service - Brand New Colony
2. Slipknot - Surfacing
3. Bjork - Hyperballad
4. Sigur Ros - Olsen Olsen
5. Deftones - Knife Party At The Neko
(sleep music mixed in with awake music)
//////hope everyone is doing well\\\\\\
yeah be there!

hey sucka ~ are you and your life-mate going to come visit me on thursday this week? or will you be ditching me for your monday night bartender... arrrr, the other woman....