Umm let's see teaching is umm how do I put it, a bit strange. I've been down at Scott high school for the last few days, and man is that ever an experience. For those of you who don't know Scott may the most ghetto school Toledo has to offer. I set a personal best today with 2 fights and 3 kids getting week suspensions. I got threatened to have my "fucking white bitch ass kicked" by one of the students. Well at least its only a handful that are the real fuckups. The majority of the kids are cool and I do like being there, but man those one or tow in every class just make me wish that I could smoke again in class because after dealing with that shit I need a cigarette.
Funny teaching moment of the day: One kid called the other kid gay, (which I repremanded) and in return the kid said "Nah man I'm not gay, you're just gayaphobic. I laughed my ass off, then I had to correct him about homophobic, either way it was so funny I think I'm gonna start using it.
5 more songs of goodness and treachery:
1. Air - Alone In Kyoto
2. Deltron - Madness ( I made on of my students listen to it)
3. Frank Sinatra - The Way You Look Tonight (need a girl to dance with)
4. Broken Social Scene - Anthems For a 17 Year Old Girl
5. David Bowie - John I'm Only Dancing
More funny pics:
Funny teaching moment of the day: One kid called the other kid gay, (which I repremanded) and in return the kid said "Nah man I'm not gay, you're just gayaphobic. I laughed my ass off, then I had to correct him about homophobic, either way it was so funny I think I'm gonna start using it.
5 more songs of goodness and treachery:
1. Air - Alone In Kyoto
2. Deltron - Madness ( I made on of my students listen to it)
3. Frank Sinatra - The Way You Look Tonight (need a girl to dance with)
4. Broken Social Scene - Anthems For a 17 Year Old Girl
5. David Bowie - John I'm Only Dancing
More funny pics:

SESAME STREET !!! anal toys you say, how naughty ;o

wow keep the stories comming. i can't wait to be a teacher. <stops> an elemetary school teacher. i used to read the bernstien bears HA!