Hi there reader. I'm going to talk politics and social issues for a bit. It's going to take a while though. I spent well over an hour and a half writing this.
I’m not going to be picky a side and insulting the other side, because I’m pretty middle ground on issues. I don’t have much to say about my new President, Donald Trump. I didn’t want him elected, but I hope he does good, because it’s ignorant to hope he does poor. But I’m not here to talk about him, that’s too current and not what I’m interested in.
I’m here to talk about other issues.
To just run down a list quickly on major issues and say my opinion before actually going into details about each. And if you disagree, I will more that gladly discuss the matter if you will be civil with me. You are allowed to disagree with my opinion and anyone else’s. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. You think Hitler was a good person? I don’t, most don’t but it’s an opinion, I won’t fault you for it, but I won’t necessarily spend time with you.
That might be an extreme and niche opinion. But there are a lot of “hot topic” opinions out there and I wish to provide mine on some.
Abortions: I think a woman should choose.
Healthcare: I wish we could implement a better one
College Tuition: I think it could be cheaper
Student Loans: Should be able to disappear with bankruptcy
Immigration: We need to figure out something, but not all illegals are monsters.
Trump’s Great Wall of America: a fucking joke concept
Drugs: varied depending on the drug but we need to stop jailing addicts.
Wars: What’s the truth behind them and can we stop creating worse enemy groups?
The UN: What does it do?
Foreign Aid: not too much opinion, but we need to invest into our country a bit
NSA Surveillance: If they got nothing to hide…. the government can still go fuck off
Campaign Finance and Lobbyists: Should be criminal and punishable.
Presidential Debates: Get more than just the top two ruling parties involved
Religious Freedom and LGBT rights: I support both
Gun control and Gun Violence: I think people should have guns and those who use them against an innocent are garbage people, but it’s not the gun’s fault.
Gender Identity: We are biologically binary. Trans means Transitioning, it’s a temporary stage not permanent.
There are a lot of issues nowadays, I don’t think I could opinionate all of them if I took a month off of work and school to do so.
But to start my more detailed discussion. Abortions, a touchy subject, especially for a male to talk about.
I do fully think women should be allowed to get one if they want. If a woman, doesn’t want one, then she shouldn’t get one. If a woman can’t afford to raise the subsequently child and aborts the pregnancy, I think it should be her right to do so. However, if a woman has a lot of abortions, then maybe she should have to see a guidance consoler about maybe using birth control or having less sex. However, I believe in the freedom for a woman to choose what happens to her body.
Healthcare is the next sensitive issue I’m going to mention. To start out, I both love and loathe the affordable healthcare act. I love it because with it, I have amazing insurance that costs me $60/month. I loathe it because of how it was passed into law. “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.” -Nancy Pelosi
That one line sums up everything I hate about the healthcare law, and the fee for not having it. It’s just like auto insurance. You should have it, but you shouldn’t be forced by a law to get it. That allows insurance companies to hike the prices.
Now college and the rising cost of it. I loved the experience of college, but not the financial burden. I think we need to do something about the cost, it keeps rising and the quality isn’t improving. The quality of education is actually going down overall. There shouldn’t be any reason someone graduates with a useless degree AND $40K or more debt. And Yes, I do think there are useless degrees out there, but you have the freedom to pursue whatever you desire, I won’t stop you. We need to make college more affordable. How? I have no fucking clue, to be honest. There has to be a way, but I’m not a business person. Colleges shouldn’t be run like a business, but like a school. They get away with the high prices because my generation was told we have to go. Trade schools are great and I think we should push kids to go there rather than a traditional university. But the experience of a University is incomparable but the experience isn’t worth the debt.
Speaking of debt, we need to figure out a solution to student loans and the fact it will follow you until death. This is pretty straightforward. I accept my tens of thousands of dollars of student loan debt, but we should be able to be forgiven if we file bankruptcy and we should be able to abolish it somehow. Again, I don’t know what to do about this, it’s not my fields of study.
Moving along though, Immigration and the Great Wall of America. We need to figure out something to do about the millions of illegal immigrants here, but arresting them won’t do anything. We need a means to vet them and we need to fix our immigration system. However, building a costly wall won’t solve the problem, just look off and cost a lot of money.
Now on to the “fun” part: Drugs.
There are a lot of drugs, and I think most of then they should be legal. We need to regulate them and teach about their dangers. Making them illegal won’t stop people from using them, never has. We could do with abolishing some of them, like meth, but punishing people who only used them is a waste of money. Possession of dangerous substances shouldn’t be a felony. I can’t explain well what I mean because it’s 5 am and I can’t think straight and I’m going to pen this bullshit instead of sleeping.
Marijuana should have never been criminalized in the first place. It was made illegal because of racist bullshit.
Wars, the UN and Government surveillance. I’m grouping these because this is too long and I need to speed this shit up a bit.
Why are we fighting and what is the reason? I’ll gladly take up arms and fight whoever you tell me to, but tell me why and be honest.
The United Nations seems to have no purpose and nobody can explain to me well enough why it exists.
Campaigns shouldn’t be financed by businesses or foreign countries and we should abolish Lobbyists and ban any politician from entering an industry they regulated. Also, Term Limits for US Congress, Two terms in a lifetime, just like the President. They should get a set payrate and that rate should increase in accordance with inflation. We need less millionaires in Congress, because they only get like $174,000/year plus benefits. Also, their benefits end when they leave office.
Presidential Debates should allow anyone who is running and polls at least 5%. We need to break the US populous out of the slave mindset that we must pick between two parties that continue to put worse and worse candidates up for election because, you can disagree, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were two of the worst choices we as citizens could have found two much better people for the position.
Now on to an extremely controversial issue. Religion vs LGBT rights. Why can’t they get along? If a bakery doesn’t want to make a cake for you because you’re gay, than fuck that bakery and go somewhere else. If you turn down business because you disagree with someone’s life choices, than you are an idiot who turns down money for something that shouldn’t matter to you. If you’re gay and you get pissy because some asshole doesn’t want your money than fuck you too. You shouldn’t get mad, just boycott that business and go the fuck somewhere else. IT’S NOT THAT FUCKING IMPORTANT. You should be treated the same as everyone else, I agree, but in a free market, do not sue someone for stupid shit, just spend your money elsewhere and spread a negative opinion of the place. Oh, a restaurant doesn’t like gays, well fuck that restaurant. Let people know about them and hopefully they change their minds when business dries up. Most say my opinion isn’t valid because I’m a heterosexual cis white male. I’m the epitome of what Tumblr hates. I’ve been refused service at places for how I look though, and I said fuck those places and I don’t go there. YEAH THAT’S RIGHT INTERNET, I GOT REFUSED ACCESS TO PLACES FOR HOW I LOOK, HOW MANY OF YOU FUCKS CAN HONESTLY SAY THE SAME?
Also, the Trans people nowadays are obnoxious. What is this 20% male 30% woman 150% bullshit gender shit about? What happened to people transitioning to the genders they think they should have been born as? That’s what a Transgender person is to me. A male or female transitioning into the gender they believe they should be, and I believe they should have the Freedom to do so. Seeing a pattern? I like Freedom.
Now the last point, Firearms. I think every nonviolent person should be allowed to own a firearm and should go through a rigorous psychological evaluation to make sure they aren’t planning to harm people with them. We need more education on firearm safety and more education of the value of life. I grew up around firearms and have owned a couple. I never once thought about using one on another person, and I was in a lot of fights as a kid, lost most of them too, never wanted to shoot someone even if I wanted the person dead, so I can’t relate to the poor excuses of human flesh who do shoot up easy targets, like “gun-free zones”
But I’m going to end this blog here, I’ve been writing stuff for about 3 hours tonight. Thank you if you read this. And As mentioned earlier, I will discuss differing opinions with anyone who wishes to engage in a civil discussion remembering that we are both humans worthy of respect.
Thank you and may your day be less shitty than yesterday