After I finish this blog entry I'm stepping out to buy myself a copy of Mass Effect 3, getting my consumer whoring out of the way before March.
If anyone is curious to know my stance on the whole Occupy Movement, I don't suport it! I'm sure that seems odd given my interests. The way I see it, if your demands aren't met within twenty-four hours or if the STATE hasn't responded with curfews, massive indiscriminatory arrests, lethal force and martial law, you're not doing it right!! Unsurprisingly it has pithered out into a new tax *rolls eyes*. I guess that's better than some far Left bullshit.
What about Egypt you might ask? You mean the same Egypt that receives more money for it's military from the United States than any other country in the world second only to Israel? Same military that was put into power afterward and is still present... Surprise, surprise, more civil unrest to follow...
I'm not saying that open revolution the best course of action, given the loss of life on both sides, property damage and all the other things that can go horribly wrong...
Even if the people free themselves from the Illuminati' strangle hold, their still going to have to deal with China, Israel, Islam and the possibility of a re-emerging Russian Empire. By no means am I saying 'give up'. Not that my opinion is all that valuable...
If anyone is curious to know my stance on the whole Occupy Movement, I don't suport it! I'm sure that seems odd given my interests. The way I see it, if your demands aren't met within twenty-four hours or if the STATE hasn't responded with curfews, massive indiscriminatory arrests, lethal force and martial law, you're not doing it right!! Unsurprisingly it has pithered out into a new tax *rolls eyes*. I guess that's better than some far Left bullshit.
What about Egypt you might ask? You mean the same Egypt that receives more money for it's military from the United States than any other country in the world second only to Israel? Same military that was put into power afterward and is still present... Surprise, surprise, more civil unrest to follow...
I'm not saying that open revolution the best course of action, given the loss of life on both sides, property damage and all the other things that can go horribly wrong...
Even if the people free themselves from the Illuminati' strangle hold, their still going to have to deal with China, Israel, Islam and the possibility of a re-emerging Russian Empire. By no means am I saying 'give up'. Not that my opinion is all that valuable...
In relation to my personal life...
Lack of communication is the death of any relationship. I simply can't be bothered to put up with emotional blackmail, pettiness, deceit, and other self-entitled bullshit. Try and twist my arm and I'll cut if off myself and walk out. Looks like I'll be single for Valentine's Day, which is fine because I usually use Valentine' Day as an excuse to end a relationship anyhow. Twisted Metal is being released that day, so I have better things to do than to try and barter a woman into bed with me.