well last night was fun. i got blazed out of my mind. and i havent been that high for a while. it was fun. then i went home. ate and slept. then i get up, then get my pay check and cash it. then i got a cd (anberlin. good stuff), a knife. i needed one lol...."just in case" lol. then i got some clothes from my work lol. i got a new shirt and a jacket that was 20 bucks. its funny cuz it was priced at 150. but it was on sale lol. man since i started workin at abercrombie ive been buyin abunch of crap from there. that place is the devil i swear lol. but i get payed by the devil so its cool lol. well im gonna get some cereal. im thinkin special k with red berries or apple jacks. im think special k. cuz im special lol. well im out laters.
what do you want to tattoo?? I want to know