I'm gonna marry this girl. She is so good to me it is incredible. Despite the red flags she likes me! I think I'm getting my friends all sick,
cause I'm so fuckingly-giddy-till-you-piss-your-pants-happy!
If your wondering why I'm so happy, it's been almost three years since I've had a decent date and this is the best fuckin thing that has happened to me in a long, long, time.... Thank you, God! *sign*
Anyway, I'm also happy it stop raining. I like when it rains but, not that much.
Tell me you all, why does it take so long for good things to happen?

Anyway, I'm also happy it stop raining. I like when it rains but, not that much.

Tell me you all, why does it take so long for good things to happen?

The room mate situation is going, not well, but at least it's going.
You got any good love stories for me with this new chica of yours? I'm feeling a bit bummed out and you sound like your in a place that i want to be right now. Give us something good! Later man