just got Martin in the mail the other day. both the movie and the commentary are quite enjoyable. grindhouse releasing is releasing canibal holocaust sometime soon its going to be a two disc 25th anniversity edition with audio commentary by Ruggero Deodato. im going to have to get that one also. I never thought there would be any possibility of me retireing my substance version of the movie.Tim burtons new movie corpse bride looks quite enjoyable. there are soooo many movies coming out soon that it is an attrocity that they are even allowing them to make but i will talk about those in a future update.

Tim burton ??? didnt hear of that flick yet. Have you seen ginger snaps2? i look at it everytime at the video store but pass it up, should i bite the bullet and rent it?
i'm not sure how big i'm going to go with my ears. at least 0ga, and not bigger than an inch. it really depends on what i think looks best...whenever i get to whatever size that is