I am jumping back in time to my flight from Perth to Singapore, but here we are. I have been contemplating all day, I find the process of travel preparation tedious even off-putting. Last Friday I was preparing to depart Australia. Details to do, cleaning clothes, pulling together the bric-a-brac of my life, eliminating, downsizing, and reducing baggage weight. Then packing as efficiently as possible. This might not sound like much, but it was. Then getting to Perth airport. Not too difficult via public transport, but I managed to miss my stop and then had to travel to the end of the subway line and return. Then, a few hours later I walked right past my gate (54) to the end of the gates. I did not figure out my error until I heard my name over the PA and raced back! Luckily, Australian security is thorough but respectful. At the risk of seeming biased, I venture to say they are the best in the world.
At long last, I entered the plane! As I did so a sense of comfort and serenity settled over me. I am an old-fashioned flyer. In the good old days being inside a plane meant being alone, with no outside problems or distractions for a few hours. This I enjoy.
I selected an aisle seat and the seat next to me was unoccupied—lucky me. I sat back and watched the plane move off, the runway move past, and then we leaped into the air. Perth at night is beautiful.
In my seat space, I am alone. Did anyone watch the 2010 movie "Up in the Air"? Call me Ryan. If I could I would live on a plane.
I enjoy that feeling of power that a plane possesses. The people down-below are doing their thing while I am flying way over.
Now let's see what happens in Asia. I will be in Sing for a week.